For data you need to setup APN - access point name. The instructions should be provided to you by your sim card seller. Here is the link to discussion of the process.
Thank you for your help...
Sales rep at store checked that too....said it looked OK to her.....but I wonder if something in the list of items is not set correctly?
A lot of items are 'Not Set' or 'Unspecified'.
Here's what I see:
APN Name: ATT Nextgenphone
APN: nxtgenphone
Proxy: Not set
Port: Not set
Username: Not set
Server: not set
MMSC: proxy:
MMS port: 80
MCC: 310
MNC: 410
Authentication Type: Not set
APN type: default.mms.supl.fota
APN Protocol: IPv4/IPv6
APN Roaming Protocol: IPv4/IPv6
APN enable/disable: APN enabled
Bearer: Unspecified
MVNO Type: None
NVNO Value: Not set
UPDATE Checked AT&T website. Looks like the APN settings shown below are for tablets, not smartphone. Is this OK?
Only real difference is for the line 'APN type'. For smartphones it shows: 'default.mms.supl.hipri'.