I've been carrying the Cosmo Communicator for one week. I think at this moment the CoDi is broken and not gonna work properly no matter what we do.
first of all, this thing looks very laggy. The animation feels like 12 fps. And it crashes and reboots itself all the time. When you unlock your CoDi with your pin, you really are only unlocking the CoDi. It doesn't unlock the phone.
Most importantly, battery take a huge hit if CoDi is on. It feels like this thing drains as much battery as the rest of the system combined. It is ridiculous. I ended up turning if off the whole day. But if it's off, I can't answer phone calls without opening the phone. I know CoDi will automatically turn itself off with the new update, I am having that function on and the battery still takes huge hit.
The CoDi is in such a pathetic stage that it does nothing good.