Author Topic: V22 is out.  (Read 23907 times)


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V22 is out.
« Reply #60 on: June 23, 2020, 04:43:08 pm »
Quote from: cam1965
Tried everything and nothing. Installed some kernels : initial release, last release and my onw compiled kernel. Inslalled gemian-system. Follow the instructions on this link and .  But the modem is not recognized.  I have android , twrp , android root and debian installed. I think something is preventing debian to access the modem. Not sure aboiut this. I´d really appreciate if  someone can help me,  Or if someone has the same problem as mine. And also if someone is able to detect the modem in debian , please let me know. Thank you all.
I would really suggest joining that group on telegram, the gemini/cosmo gurus visit there much more often than here it seems and if troubleshooting will require outputs of 2-3+ commands you might finish it within minutes if one is awake, rather than on forum that people check few times a day at most (not to mention all threads, still worth putting a thread in the relevant subforum once you fix it with detailed steps)
« Last Edit: June 24, 2020, 02:45:25 am by Varti »


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V22 is out.
« Reply #61 on: June 23, 2020, 05:03:38 pm »
Quote from: cam1965
Quote from: aard
Update went without issues, CODI update went through on second try (didn't bother with offline mode or anything).

Can confirm the vertical bar on the left side for the rooted image, but at least SIM access is working, so I guess that's an improvement. I'm currently booting into the rooted image only for larger changes, but for daily use don't really need it, so I just hope they fix it - and for when I do need rooted access at least it's better than before.

Also mine has a vertical bar on the left side ( when booted with root image ).
Twrp also asks for a password.
In linux can't see my sim card.
Android is working OK. Netflix, OK and  device certified.

I had that vertical bar too on root at first, but it suddenly disappeared after a couple of hours and hasn't returned since.


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V22 is out.
« Reply #62 on: June 23, 2020, 06:02:55 pm »
Quote from: Vistaus
Quote from: cam1965
Quote from: aard
Update went without issues, CODI update went through on second try (didn't bother with offline mode or anything).

Can confirm the vertical bar on the left side for the rooted image, but at least SIM access is working, so I guess that's an improvement. I'm currently booting into the rooted image only for larger changes, but for daily use don't really need it, so I just hope they fix it - and for when I do need rooted access at least it's better than before.

Also mine has a vertical bar on the left side ( when booted with root image ).
Twrp also asks for a password.
In linux can't see my sim card.
Android is working OK. Netflix, OK and  device certified.

I had that vertical bar too on root at first, but it suddenly disappeared after a couple of hours and hasn't returned since.

Did a test here. It disappeared after closing the lid. After a new reboot it returns. But closing and opening again the lid  it disappears .


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V22 is out.
« Reply #63 on: June 23, 2020, 06:39:42 pm »
Quote from: Zarhan
Quote from: SwordfishII
Did you figure out a fix? That is super annoying and I have it too.

When I tried to repeat the issue this morning, I cannot... Suddenly CoDI controls during call work.

I did not reboot the phone or anything like that.

Clearly they are not broken all the time. I guess we need to find out what the conditions for lost controls are...

After a full reboot (turned off phone, turned back on) they *still* work.

Somebody on indiegogo mentioned to turn off Standby Intelligent Power Saving then turn it back on and what do you know it started working again


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V22 is out.
« Reply #64 on: June 23, 2020, 06:50:44 pm »
Quote from: szopin
Do you have all packages up to date (apt update or apt-get update or even the discover software center should work), maybe the kernel is still old? Probably best to jump into 'geminiPDA' group on telegram, easier to troubleshoot there

I think the problem is that I am using the planet cosmo  Kde system image and you are using from Jenkins .  ( According to your post : ) . The problem is the system image. and not the kernel , because in that post I think I had already installed the kernel from Jenkins ( basically is the same as my compiled kernel ( please see ).  But I have a lot of things installed , libraries , source codes and if I install this system image I will lost everything . ( about 32 GB ). Maybe if I discover what is different on this image it helps. Thank you again.
« Last Edit: June 24, 2020, 02:46:08 am by Varti »


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V22 is out.
« Reply #65 on: June 23, 2020, 11:52:05 pm »
Quote from: szopin
Update from v19 went without issues, CODI took some retries (manual is definitely the way to go). Auto rotate finally seems to be working.
Autorotate does not work for me. Not on main screen. On codi it worked on v19.

I actually did not notice any functional changes after update thus far, except version numberand security patch date.


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« Reply #66 on: June 24, 2020, 02:36:04 am »
Quote from: vldmr
Quote from: szopin
Update from v19 went without issues, CODI took some retries (manual is definitely the way to go). Auto rotate finally seems to be working.
Autorotate does not work for me. Not on main screen. On codi it worked on v19.

I actually did not notice any functional changes after update thus far, except version numberand security patch date.

It's working for me.  Perhaps you need to re-enable it?  Remember, there are 2 places it needs to be enabled, Android settings and the Planet menu bar settings.

I hate to say this, for fear of jinxing myself, but I've not noticed any random reboots since installing this firmware; is it too soon to say their fixed?


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V22 is out.
« Reply #67 on: June 24, 2020, 03:01:07 am »
Quote from: cam1965
Quote from: szopin
Do you have all packages up to date (apt update or apt-get update or even the discover software center should work), maybe the kernel is still old? Probably best to jump into 'geminiPDA' group on telegram, easier to troubleshoot there

I think the problem is that I am using the planet cosmo  Kde system image and you are using from Jenkins .  ( According to your post : ) . The problem is the system image. and not the kernel , because in that post I think I had already installed the kernel from Jenkins ( basically is the same as my compiled kernel ( please see ).  But I have a lot of things installed , libraries , source codes and if I install this system image I will lost everything . ( about 32 GB ). Maybe if I discover what is different on this image it helps. Thank you again.
do you have urfkill installed? also this is needed:
(you can go through commits in debos recipes to see step by step what was added/modified since your debian install and should end up with same system state)


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V22 is out.
« Reply #68 on: June 24, 2020, 06:26:12 am »
Quote from: szopin
Quote from: cam1965
Quote from: szopin
Do you have all packages up to date (apt update or apt-get update or even the discover software center should work), maybe the kernel is still old? Probably best to jump into 'geminiPDA' group on telegram, easier to troubleshoot there

I think the problem is that I am using the planet cosmo  Kde system image and you are using from Jenkins .  ( According to your post : ) . The problem is the system image. and not the kernel , because in that post I think I had already installed the kernel from Jenkins ( basically is the same as my compiled kernel ( please see ).  But I have a lot of things installed , libraries , source codes and if I install this system image I will lost everything . ( about 32 GB ). Maybe if I discover what is different on this image it helps. Thank you again.
do you have urfkill installed? also this is needed:
(you can go through commits in debos recipes to see step by step what was added/modified since your debian install and should end up with same system state)

Hi thank you very very much ! Worked following your instructions. ( urfkill and ril_subscription.conf ).
Tested with dialer-app and messaging-app with success. Internet data does not work .
messaging-app conflicts with apparmor ( needed by snapd ). I removed snapd.
Thank you so much again.


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V22 is out.
« Reply #69 on: June 24, 2020, 08:48:22 am »
Quote from: TomJ
Quote from: vldmr
Autorotate does not work for me. Not on main screen. On codi it worked on v19.
It's working for me.  Perhaps you need to re-enable it?  Remember, there are 2 places it needs to be enabled, Android settings and the Planet menu bar settings.
That was it, thank you!
I sure would not find it myself -- not very obvious that the settings of planet app bar affect other applications.

Tom D

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V22 is out.
« Reply #70 on: June 24, 2020, 09:31:32 am »
I can confirm that the random locking issue is still there. I entered my pin and started going through my gmail, reading and deleting items, frequent input every 1 or 2 seconds, and then it just locked the screen out of no where.

It's not a big issue, but is very annoying and wouldn't think it would be that hard to fix. My guess is it is again some issue with CODI. Me no like CODI!

And yes, latest V22 and latest CODI, and after a few reboots later.


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V22 is out.
« Reply #71 on: June 24, 2020, 12:01:53 pm »
CPU SPIKE / HIGH DRAIN / HIGH TEMP ISSUE - maybe resolved in V22

I've only been on V22 for a day, but my issue with certain apps intermittently causing CPU spike seems to have disappeared.

I had an issue where occasionally the temperature near the rocker switch would go very high.  Battery drained much faster.  This could go on for hours if unnoticed.  Opening/unlocking and going to the desktop, and then scrolling back and forth between desktops was very jerky whenever this happened.  The issue would often go away just by closing and re-opening, but I also found it disappeared as soon as I opened GSamBattery app.  I noticed in GSam that CPU would spike to constantly 100% during these occurrences.

(I installed GSamBattery to try and track down what was going on, and then once I discovered it has temperature alerts, I set that up to detect whenever this strange CPU spikes occurred)

Over time I discovered that there were a couple of apps that shortly after using them, this CPU spike event would occur much more frequently.  However, it didn't necessarily happen right when a particular app was just used.  I could have my phone tucked in a pocked for a half hour and no problems, then suddenly the issue starts.

Since V22 I have tried using those apps to see if I could get the issue to recur, and so far it hasn't.  So that's good.


I also noticed that after V22, my weechat running in tmux running in termux, would ping-time-out while the phone was closed.  It never did that before V22.  I guess that is the new more aggro power saving in action?  I was able to resolve that by allowing tmux to hold a wakelock.

Finally, I did NOT notice much improvement in battery drain under V22.  My battery was pretty much down to 15% by the end of the day, as it normally has been.  NOTE that I didn't turn the wakelock on until later in the day.


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V22 is out.
« Reply #72 on: June 24, 2020, 06:32:13 pm »
Quote from: Tom D
I can confirm that the random locking issue is still there. I entered my pin and started going through my gmail, reading and deleting items, frequent input every 1 or 2 seconds, and then it just locked the screen out of no where.

It's not a big issue, but is very annoying and wouldn't think it would be that hard to fix. My guess is it is again some issue with CODI. Me no like CODI!

And yes, latest V22 and latest CODI, and after a few reboots later.
That was a problem on the early firmware versions on the Gemini as well, and that CERTAINLY does not have a "CODI", so do not think it is necessarily linked to the CODI. But, yes, it IS annoying, regardless of WHAT causes it!        

(Haven't really used my Cosmo enough yet that I've come across it there...)


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V22 is out.
« Reply #73 on: June 24, 2020, 08:27:45 pm »
Quote from: Tom D
I can confirm that the random locking issue is still there.
Interesting you mention it. I have not had random locking problem through my life with v19 firmware until this week. I actually forgot about this problem. But during my epic upgrade to v22 (which took a whole working day, mind you, due to permanent failed update of codi), I switched my home app from T-UI to whatever terrible google-search-taunting default contraption the PC provides, thinking that maybe T-UI was the reason of failures of codi updates. That did not proved true, but I immediately started to get those random lock ups once i let PC default home app take over my device. Eventually in the end of day codi update completed and I switched back to T-UI as home app, and random locking is all gone again, not a problem any more


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V22 is out.
« Reply #74 on: June 24, 2020, 08:33:23 pm »
Quote from: SwordfishII
Quote from: Zarhan
Quote from: SwordfishII
Did you figure out a fix? That is super annoying and I have it too.

When I tried to repeat the issue this morning, I cannot... Suddenly CoDI controls during call work.

I did not reboot the phone or anything like that.

Clearly they are not broken all the time. I guess we need to find out what the conditions for lost controls are...

After a full reboot (turned off phone, turned back on) they *still* work.

Somebody on indiegogo mentioned to turn off Standby Intelligent Power Saving then turn it back on and what do you know it started working again

Update it's only temporary. On screen controls weren't working again today. Had to cycle it again.