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Topics - vldmr

Pages: [1]
Cosmo Communicator - Android / Keyboard shortcuts in android applications
« on: January 20, 2020, 10:34:57 am »
I feel that owners of android devices with physical keyboard need some reference for existing keyboard shortcuts in various common applications.

For example, I found that firefox does support some shortcuts common with desktop (space, shift-space, ctrl-W), but it drove me nuts that ctrl-L (keyboard focus to address bar for typing url) does not work. Then one time out of frustration I pressed ctrl and started to poke every key on keyboard - and what do you know, ctrl-T does focus in address bar (with side effect of opening new tab, which is fine).

So I thought until there will be some proper central place like some sort of wiki for this kind of knowledge sharing, I would start this thread for posting this kind of happy un-obvious findings about working shortcuts in various application.

I will be updating the first post with shortcuts published in the thread. Here we go:

Firefox mobile
  • space
      show next page
  • shift-space
      show previous page
  • ctrl-W
      close current tab
  • ctrl-T
      keyboard focus in address bar (opens new tab)
  • ctrl-F
      find on page
  • ctrl-C/ctrl-V
  • shift-arrow keys
      extend text selection. Also works for starting selection in input fields. In the rest of content selection has to be started by long press.
  • tab/shift-tab
      jump to next/previous interactive element (link,input). Link can be activated by enter key.
  • Ctrl-tab
      toggle through open windows (or open Private windows if the current dsiplay is InPrivate)
  • Ctrl-n
      open a new window
  • Shift-ctrl-n
      open a new private window
Open camera
  • space or enter
      Take picture
Planet App Bar
  • Alt, then enter
      Open launcher (for those, who've hidden navigation bar)
  • alt-1 through alt-0
       F1 through F10
  • alt-space
      Escape. But better use actual escape key by setting back-key=escape in as described here.

Cosmo Communicator - Android / Keyboard shortcuts helper
« on: December 12, 2019, 01:38:08 pm »
The "Physical keyboard" keyboard section in "Language & input" settings has "Keyboard shortcuts helper" item at very bottom. When selected it shows popup with list of shortcuts, most of which include "Magnifying glass" key, which in not present on cosmo keyboard. I was not able to figure out if any of actual keys corresponds to that. So did anyone figured if any of those shortcuts actually can be used? If not, why they are even present in settings

Cosmo Communicator - CoDi / External display wakes up by BG app activity
« on: December 05, 2019, 10:19:10 am »
I noticed that my external periodically turns on and flash K-9 mail application icon, while there is no actual notification from the app if I open the main screen after that. Can anyone confirm does the included email application shows same behaviour?

I am not using stock email program because I use custom build of K-9 with password protection. So I am wondering if this is something I should look into fixing if the stock app does not wake up screen on checks.

Cosmo Communicator - Android / Application switcher problem
« on: November 23, 2019, 05:49:34 pm »
Application switcher list on my cosmo shows just title bars with application names and the area underneath where I would expect a thumbnail of the application screen is just blank. Is this just my device or other owners have this as well?
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Cosmo Communicator - General Discussion / Film on new cosmo screen
« on: November 23, 2019, 04:52:25 pm »
I just received my indigogo cosmo yesterday. While unpacking I removed the usual film covering the screen from external display, and then headed up to do the same with main screen, but found that the film covering it does not have the usual ear tab for pulling it off. I also not able to peel it with finger nail.

Then my wife suggested - maybe it is not supposed to be removed, maybe it is part of screen, or maybe it is a screen protector. That suggestion stopped me from using more radical tool for removing the film.

So here is the question to new cosmo owners - or maybe to manufacturer: is the film on main screen of new cosmo is supposed to be removed? Did any new owner already removed that film?

Kind of stupid problem, but had to ask..

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