amrein's got the right idea...
You aren't going to see allot of user submitted ipks until the final version of the rom/sdk is out. So many changes are being made to the rom right now that it would be a waste of time.
These guys are doing amazing things with the rom right now. It is great that the development is as heavy as it is. Let them continue working on the rom and use RC3 if you want to use most of the apps in the unstable feed.
amrein got it all wrong. The development is infinite. It is over only when the project itself is dead. So, do you suggest waiting for its death? Sure, in the end, life is just a waste of time. Just don't waste it before it's over!
I say, do not use RC3. Switch to RC5. Help the developers by using what they produce, loot for the bugs, make suggestions as you see it.
You are going to see alot of user submitted ipks. And the RC3 unstable is no more.
Wow, you really put me in my place
And you are absolutely right. We should encourage this type of participation, not discourage it. It is certainly not a waste of time as I posted earlier.
I was speaking from a personal position and should have just kept my mouth shut Working swing shifts and raising a family my free time is VERY short and will be able to compile much more efficiently once things become more concrete.
My apologies to the pdaxrom team!