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Topics - Capn_Fish

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 11
For Sale / Wanted / For Sale: Sl-c3100, Plus Extras
« on: January 03, 2015, 12:29:58 pm »
In good condition. I recently messed around with OpenBSD, so that's what's on there now. I assume any interested party would know how to put whatever ROM/distro on there they want, though I can restore the Sharp ROM if desired.

Comes with:

-Original charger
-USB host cable
-2x batteries (original and Cameron Sino replacement; the latter holds at least some charge)
-Wi-Fi card

I'm thinking maybe $50 shipped within the US. I'd rather get this to somebody who would use it than make a killing, so feel free to make an offer.

PMs should make it to me relatively quickly, assuming the forum's PM email notification works, as should replies here.

Mer / Non-hildonized Webkit And Midori .debs
« on: July 23, 2009, 10:38:44 am »
I built some non-Hildonized Webkit and Midori packages a while ago with N810-specific CFLAGS. It runs absolutely amazingly.

Sorry, Midori isn't a package, just a binary (tarred & gzipped). I'm too lazy to find/upload the extensions, but if people want them, I can dig them up.

Anyway, enjoy!

Mer / Fluxbox Install How-to
« on: July 23, 2009, 10:29:04 am »
Here's my simple how-to for installing Fluxbox on an N810 with Mer. N800 users may want to stay away, as this disables the built-in keyboard.

1. Install and remove some packages:

Code: [Select]
sudo apt-get remove osso-xterm
sudo apt-get install fluxbox xterm

2. Make Fluxbox start up instead of Hildon stuff:

Code: [Select]
sudo rm /etc/alternatives/x-session-manager
sudo cp /usr/bin/startfluxbox /etc/alternatives/x-session-manager

3. Edit some files for usability:

Code: [Select]

#Fullscreen button on top and window-switch button on face
F16 :NextWindow
Shift F6 :FullScreen

# fullscreen button, -, and + (in that order); chenges mouse buttons
F6 :exec xmodmap -e "pointer = 1 2 3";xsetroot -cursor_name left_ptr
F8 :exec xmodmap -e "pointer = 3 2 1";xsetroot -cursor_name right_ptr
F7 :exec xmodmap -e "pointer = 2 1 3";xsetroot -cursor_name hand2

#Requires chmodding, not necessary if you don't FUBAR / uninstall all of the Hildon stuff
Shift F7 :exec echo  0 > /sys/class/leds/keyboard/brightness
Shift F8 :exec echo 30 > /sys/class/leds/keyboard/brightness

Control Mod1 Left :PrevWorkspace
Control Mod1 Right :NextWorkspace

# click on the desktop to get menus
#Very nice to not have to change mouse buttons
OnDesktop Mouse1 :HideMenus
OnDesktop Double Mouse1 :RootMenu

#whatever else you want to stick here

Code: [Select]
! ~/.Xmodmap
! A little strange, but more usable than the default

clear Mod1
clear Mod2
clear Mod3
clear Mod4
clear Mod5

! Top row
keycode 24 = q Q 1 F1
keycode 25 = w W 2 F2
keycode 26 = e E 3 F3
keycode 27 = r R 4 F4
keycode 28 = t T 5 F5
keycode 29 = y Y 6 F6
keycode 30 = u U 7 F7
keycode 31 = i I 8 F8
keycode 32 = o O 9 F9
keycode 33 = p P 0 F10

! Middle row
keycode 38 = a A exclam exclam
keycode 39 = s S quotedbl quotedbl
keycode 40 = d D  at at
keycode 41 = f F numbersign numbersign
keycode 42 = g G backslash backslash
keycode 43 = h H slash slash
keycode 44 = j J parenleft parenleft
keycode 45 = k K parenright parenright
keycode 46 = l L asterisk asterisk
keycode 48 = slash apostrophe question question

! Bottom row
keycode 52 = z Z grave grave
keycode 53 = x X asciicircum asciicircum
keycode 54 = c C asciitilde asciitilde
keycode 55 = v V percent percent
keycode 56 = b B ampersand ampersand
keycode 57 = n N dollar dollar
keycode 58 = m M bar bar
keycode 47 = semicolon colon
keycode 20 = minus quotedbl underscore underscore
keycode 21 = plus numbersign equal equal

! Others (backspace, return, etc.)
keycode 22 = BackSpace
keycode 36 = Return
keycode 50 = Shift_L
keycode 105 = Control_L
keycode 60 = period greater bracketright braceright
keycode 59 = comma less bracketleft braceleft
keycode 65 = space
keycode 135 = Alt_L
keycode 108 = Mode_switch

! Keypad, menu, and screen keys
keycode 70 = Tab
keycode 104 = Return
keycode 111 = Up Prior
keycode 114 = Right End
keycode 116 = Down Next
keycode 113 = Left Home
keycode 71 = F16
keycode 9 = Escape

add mod1 = Alt_L
add mod2 = Mode_switch

Code: [Select]
# ~/.fluxbox/startup

# fluxbox startup-script:
# Lines starting with a '#' are ignored.

# Change your keymap:
xmodmap ~/.Xmodmap

gksudo nm-applet &
xterm &

#Left and down don't autorepeat by default
xset r 116 &
xset r 113 &
#gksudo /etc/init.d/ssh start &

# And last but not least we start fluxbox.
# Because it is the last app you have to run it with ''exec'' before it.

exec fluxbox

4. Reboot

Code: [Select]
sudo reboot
You should boot into Fluxbox after that.

EDIT: Added N810 package (eg, compiled with N810 CFLAGS)

EDIT2: Corrected the path for x-session-manager

Off Topic forum / Zaurus Cluster How To With Distcc
« on: June 07, 2009, 12:34:55 pm »
I can't remember if I've asked this before, but here goes: It it possible/feasable to USB network all of my ARM devices, running a common OS (Ubuntu/Debian, likely) and have a mini-cluster going to speed up native builds? It would seem that with 2 Zaurii and an N810 (and hopefully a Pandora soon), I could get things built 2-3x faster, which would be nice.

I suspect something with distcc could be done, but my impression is that that ignores the "host" CPU (eg, if I started the build on the N810, only the two Zaurii would actually do work), making it less than optimal. Is that correct?

Anyway, thoughts, how-tos, etc.?

EDIT: It looks completely possible. I guess this thread will likely turn into a how-to once I get around to it.

EDIT 2: Changed the thread title, see the next post for the tutorial.

Security and Networking / Encrypted Files
« on: April 02, 2009, 07:59:18 am »
It's recently come to my attention that I've got files I'd rather not have other people just looking at (personal info, contacts, etc.), so I figured making an encrypted volume in which to store said data was a good idea.

The biggest problem I have right now is deciding what software to use. What are people using and what do people recommend? I'm looking for something that's popular enough to be in many distros' repos, preferably with not too much overhead (I'm know encryption takes some CPU time, but I'm not running a supercomputer here).

TrueCrypt is masked under Gentoo (apparent legal issues or something, but I can get it built if it's the best choice), FWIW.

Thanks in advance.

EDIT: Nevermind... I just installed TrueCrypt. If you still want to post what you use, feel free to do so, however.

Off Topic forum / Are Dual Monitors Useful?
« on: January 09, 2009, 07:01:36 pm »
I've heard that using two monitors (or a laptop's screen and a monitor) is actually quite useful, and am thinking about trying it (which would mean figuring out how to set it up under Xorg, how to disable it when the extra monitor is disconnected, etc.).

So, what do people think (preferably those people who use or have used such a setup, but other opinions are welcome as well)?

Ubuntu / Bluetooth Help, Please!
« on: January 03, 2009, 10:44:33 pm »
OK, so I've been through all of my old threads on this, and I'm trying to get a Wiimote working with Ubuntu (Using XWii, compiled by me, Angstrom kernel, so there should be all of the bluetooth stuff I need). I've got BlueZ and stuff installed, but I'm really lost here. Can anybody give me some easy-to-follow-and-tell-if-they're working steps to getting my bluetooth working?

I've got Wiimotes, the F8T020 card, and a BT mouse to play/test with.


Linux Applications / Find Revision In Subversion
« on: December 26, 2008, 11:45:29 pm »
I've been working on some stuff, and have it in a local subversion repo. Since I've got a client and a server, I'd like to have my code check to ensure that both are using the same version. I thought that, for at least testing, using the revision number would be a good way to go (I could throw in some compile-time options to have an actual number if stuff ever gets to that point).

My problem is that I have yet to figure out a way to find the revision number. I've got a script that builds binaries, and thought it would be as easy as doing something like:

Code: [Select]
g++ -o mytestprogram src/*.cpp -DVERSION=`cat .svn/version` -lMYLIBS
(sorry about the likely poor syntax with the "-D..." part. I've never tried to actually define something as a string, just as existing or not, plus it's been a long day)

Anyway, I didn't see the revision anywhere in the .svn dirs. Could somebody help me out (once again, sorry if this is obvious, I'm tired)?


Software / Dillo 2 Is Out
« on: October 16, 2008, 11:07:51 pm »
For what it's worth, Dillo 2 is out. It looks MUCH better than old versions!

[img]\" border=\"0\" class=\"linked-image\" /]
[img]\" border=\"0\" class=\"linked-image\" /]

New products and alternatives / Who's Getting A Pandora?
« on: October 14, 2008, 11:57:15 pm »
I'm just wondering how many of the folks around here are getting Pandoras (and polls are generally interesting).

I know I ordered mine as soon as I got the e-mail saying I could order it.

OpenMoko / Debian Runs On The Freerunner
« on: August 17, 2008, 05:23:55 pm »
Debian runs on the FreeRunner, FWIW (Sorry if this should have gone in either the "Debian" or "Off Topic" section).

Site Suggestions, Requests, and Updates / Change File Upload System?
« on: July 15, 2008, 06:00:39 pm »
The file upload applet used currently isn't very Z friendly. I seem to recall that it used to work OK with the Z, so is there any chance of that coming back?

pdaXrom Development / Pdaxrom 2.0 Included Apps
« on: July 08, 2008, 10:31:29 pm »
I'm making the mostly official and potentially mostly final list of apps to include in the pdaXrom 2.0 release image. Since we're trying to listen to the community more for this release, I'm asking for feedback, changes, etc. Here's the list I came up with, feel free to post comments, ideas, additions, changes, things to cut, etc. below. I'll keep this post updated with the latest list and when it was last changed.

Code: [Select]
-Epiphany-webkit (FF is too slow and may not build, Webkit seems perfectly fast/stable/functional to me, up for debate)
-Sylpheed (in the interest of speed, was Claws-Mail)
-Pidgin (kept because it seems light enough for the Z, thouroughly tested, easy to use)

-PCManFM / ROX (Up for debate)
{-GPartED*,**} (unnecessary, heavy)

-Wi-Fi Radar**
-Package Manager (placeholder, potential to change package management system)

-LXDE (Current line of thinking by me/InSearchOf)

-GSnapShot (more features than scrot, GUI)
-Audio Codecs:
{-MTPaint*} (unnecessary)
-Xournal (seems useful, looks like it works well on the Z's screen res, useful with touchscreens, up for debate)

-Abiword* (kept for complete out-of-the-box experience)
-Gnumeric* (kept for complete out-of-the-box experience)

-RXVT-unicode (MRXVT is slightly buggy, others use VTE)
{-MRXVT / Aterm}

-IPTables* (kept because it is powerful/useful, easily ignored, and takes up little space)
-Firestarter* (kept because it is useful, easy to use, easily ignored, and takes up little space)

-SSHD (not enabled by default)*


*Dumpable if space becomes a concern
**For lack of a better app
{***My personal vote, TBD}
****Requires additional work

{} Removed, shown for completeness

Last update: 2008/07/09

Accessories / Waterproof Cases That Should Fit The Zaurus
« on: July 03, 2008, 10:11:38 pm »

Those look like they fit the bill for all of those people looking for waterproof cases that still allow user interaction.

I haven't acutally used/seen one of these, so it's based purely on reading the description (and knowing that ThinkGeek tends to sell quality goods).

Debian / Building An Optimized Debian
« on: June 30, 2008, 09:42:52 am »
I was chatting with one of the folks making Debian (easy to) run (well)  on the N810 on IRC, and another person in the channel brought up speed concerns. After assuring him that it ran fine and as FAR superior to OS2008, I got to thinking: Is it possible to, in QEMU, do a

Code: [Select]
apt-get source --compile most-everything-important
to get a Zaurus-optimized Debian? Or, at least, Zaurus-optimized important parts of Debian? I know I don't need all of Debian's packages, but even doing the top used 1% would be nice (eg, base system + common Z apps + special requests).

What do people think? Is it even possible to specify CFLAGS/CXXFLAGS when doing using "apt-get source --compile?"

EDIT: Oops... I forgot that I already had brought this up here. Still, something should still be possible, either with QEMU or Crosstool.

EDIT2: Crosstool can only build RPMs, it appears, but we should be able to convert those to DEBs, no?

EDIT3: I just saw that Crosstool supports Distcc. Maybe using Distcc running in an ARM QEMU emulation would work best?

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