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Topics - Greg T

Pages: [1]
Cosmo Communicator - Android / Front (small) screen not working
« on: January 07, 2024, 06:21:23 am »
Hello, my original-issue Cosmo Communicator front/entry screen has just died ....

I was working normally at about 13.00 yesterday, but when I picked it up at about 18.00, the small exterior front screen was showing what appeared to be very tiny, coloured letters, in rows, diminishing towards the top of the screen.
Restarting, etc has had no effect.
I can still make & receive calls, but I can only operate the phone if I open it & then navigate round the options
I know you sometimes do repairs from your "office" near Sloane Sq & I think I need this facility.

I would emphasize that I have not dropped the phone, nor done anything unusual between it working perfectly & the front-screen failing

Please help?

Cosmo Communicator - Hardware / 3G or 4G?
« on: July 13, 2023, 01:53:01 pm »
My Cosmo is showing 3G only
I think it used to show 4G
How do I get 4G back?
I am cross-posting this query to the "Android section, as I don't know if this is the correct place

Cosmo Communicator - Android / 3G or 4G?
« on: July 13, 2023, 01:52:07 pm »
My Cosmo is showing 3G only
I think it used to show 4G
How do I get 4G back?
I am cross-posting this query to the "Hardware" section, as I don't know if this is the correct place

Cosmo Communicator - Android / Ringtone NOT working
« on: May 18, 2023, 03:47:39 am »
Since I got my Cosmo, I've had an externally-boought-&-installed (by me) ringtone ... (Good bad ugly theme, with an *mp3 suffix
Suddenly it's stopped working - "this format is not supported."
How do I get it back?

Cosmo Communicator - Android / NO Internet
« on: February 27, 2023, 07:24:19 am »
If i got to "Settings", turn "Network & Internet" to "ON" ... it turns itself off, within a few seconds & I can't get it to stay om.
How do I fix this?

1. I recently had the phone repaired it was doing this before the repair & it's still doing it. { P.S. Actual repair job was very good }
2. I took the phne to my network provider (EE) & they said it was nothing to do with them, I was paying for 50Gb of data per month, but not getting it & "not theor problem"
3. I can get wi-Fi, if available & logged in, but that is not the problem

Cosmo Communicator - General Discussion / Front (small) screen not working
« on: February 09, 2023, 04:13:25 am »
Yesterday, for no apparent reason, my small front screen went weird
Tiny white line in l h bottom corner, nothing else visible, none of the control icons showing on either swipe or scroll-down
Can still receive calls & - if I open it up, make them, but not from the front.  Ditto for all "immediate" front-screen controls.
What has happened?
Is there a repair shop in the UK that deals with Cosmo Communicators?

Cosmo Communicator - General Discussion / Sound Recording
« on: April 18, 2020, 11:07:14 am »
I'm told that almost all "smartphones" can be used as recording devices.
HOW does one do this on the Cosmo?
I wanted to record some birdsong this morning - not a clue at all.
PLEASE assume I know zero about this, as I have never done it on any phone before ...

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