General Discussion / Getting The Zaurus Sl6000l?
« on: October 18, 2007, 04:24:02 pm »
Glad you made up your mind and it is a good choice.
I gad a 6000L and the SLC1000 both and used them together - and it was very difficult to say which was better - in fact the 6000 was better in outdoors usage hands down, and as a PDA only (not all comuting tasks fit its form factor).
But its a different matter that ultimately I stayed with the C1000 - that was because I used it more as a small laptop replacement .. so had FTP, VNC etc on it. BUt again the 6000 screen is fabulous, and the keyboard not too bad, if you don't type a lot on it.
Even I wanted to mention the Nokia 810 to you, but didn't want to rake up things even more in decision making. But now that you have seen about it ... I think software wise and application wise the Zaurus has a lot going for it still.
I gad a 6000L and the SLC1000 both and used them together - and it was very difficult to say which was better - in fact the 6000 was better in outdoors usage hands down, and as a PDA only (not all comuting tasks fit its form factor).
But its a different matter that ultimately I stayed with the C1000 - that was because I used it more as a small laptop replacement .. so had FTP, VNC etc on it. BUt again the 6000 screen is fabulous, and the keyboard not too bad, if you don't type a lot on it.
Even I wanted to mention the Nokia 810 to you, but didn't want to rake up things even more in decision making. But now that you have seen about it ... I think software wise and application wise the Zaurus has a lot going for it still.