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Messages - nevarrie

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Angstrom & OpenZaurus / Kernel 2.6 Testing On Tosa/6000
« on: July 25, 2006, 02:43:53 pm »
I am trying to find or build kernel-module-uinput-2.6 for tosa so that I can uses my Targus IR keyboard and test zkbdd and kbdd to see if they work on Tosa with the 2.6 kernel.

Angstrom & OpenZaurus / Kernel 2.6 Testing On Tosa/6000
« on: July 23, 2006, 11:10:10 pm »
I need help on describing the alarm's when suspended. 

What application is the alarms from?
Is this still and issue in the 2.6 kernel?

I do not have this problem since I do not have alarms on my Z so I am not the best person to descibe it but I can put the bug in if I can get more information.
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I'm assuming you're talking about alarms not resuming the unit when they occur while the unit is suspended.  I'm pretty sure that's fixed unless there's some other issue I don't know about.  In the other thread, dirk siad it's fixed, and they work for me (I just tested it) on the latest image.

this is what I needed to hear.  I could nto find a bug in OE about this issue so I was not sure if it ever got reported other then in the forum.  I may later try to come up with a test for this that could be used on angstrom check list for new releases for this issue...

EDIT: By "latest image" I really mean, "latest GPE image."  I don't know about Opie.
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GPE is all I have been testing.

Off Topic forum / Z-er In Montreal?
« on: July 23, 2006, 10:57:04 pm »
wow, thats amazing! i live in wichita, what about you?
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I am in Edwardsville and work at the downtown airport in Kansas City Mo...I am down in Wichita several times a year since I have family down in that area...

Off Topic forum / Z-er In Montreal?
« on: July 23, 2006, 12:00:11 am »
I am not in montreal, but I am in kansas(Kansas City area)...I have only found afew people here that have heard of the Z and only 3 others that own or have owned one..2 of those 3 no longer leave near here...What part of kansas are you in?

Angstrom & OpenZaurus / Kernel 2.6 Testing On Tosa/6000
« on: July 21, 2006, 02:23:07 pm »
I need help on describing the alarm's when suspended.  

What application is the alarms from?
Is this still and issue in the 2.6 kernel?

I do not have this problem since I do not have alarms on my Z so I am not the best person to descibe it but I can put the bug in if I can get more information.

Angstrom & OpenZaurus / Kernel 2.6 Testing On Tosa/6000
« on: July 21, 2006, 02:19:10 pm »
I think the first post in this forum should have list of all know bugs that contains the Items name, Description, Status, and BugTracking Id.  I have started doing this at List of issues for OZ/GPE on my website.  So far I have only entered in one of the bugs int eh bug tracked for the addition of wlan-ng options to gpe-conf network.  

To me this forum should be used to discuss the discription of the bugs and what bug tracking system the bug should be in along with making sure it is in a bug tracking system.

Some people are not going to be willing to enter in new bugs, or as I have problems doing decribing the bugs so that something can be done about them.

This list maybe something that we need to put on the wiki also or have it only on the wiki so any of us can update is and just have a link to it from the first post.  We may also find it is better to have a seperate thread for each bug after we have identifed what is is and have it ina  bug tracking system and only uses this thread to identify the bug enough to get it in a bug tracking system and then split off a new thread for the bug.

What are people thoughs on this?

Off Topic forum / I Am Quitting Windows
« on: July 21, 2006, 01:01:33 am »
I am one of those geeks that has a Mac OS X on an iBook, Windows XP, Zaurus and a PPC linux on an green iMac all running on my desk at work(synergy confuses everyone with that mix, you shoudl see the looks when I go off the windows screen onto the Z).  The Mac and the Zaurus get teh most uses but I use all of the machien at least once everyday.  At home it is Linux on all of the machine except my ibook, and windows on a few of my vm under vmware server so I can test things if needed.

For years I only ran linux or FreeBSD on my work on home machines.  Then a few years ago I deiced that in most cases linux was teh best tool for the job but there where times windows was the best tool.  

I do have two licensed copies of windows(XP and 2000) that i got from school(At least I think the license is still good).  At this point the machines that get used ona  daily basis at home at all linux(yes my wife uses linux to surf the web, email  and chat) so I am not to worried about microsoft shutting off my machine.  I guess I will have to wait and see what happens to see if I can turn on my  vmware vm with windows after they start shutting turning off windows.  

I am just glad I am not 100% depending on windows, but then again I have been made fun of at work sicne i used my Z as my only computer for a week(windows machine was broke and I had not got my ibook yet) and still got all my work done without a problem(somethings I got done faster since I had my Z with me all the time).

Angstrom & OpenZaurus / Fixes For 3.5.4 / Tosa (6000 Models)
« on: July 20, 2006, 11:03:03 am »
There was a patch for kdrive floating around somewhere that fixed it by using some kind of shadow framebuffer. Can anyone remember the location of that patch?
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please, this remark of koen should call the attention of some tosa developers. the yellow trails keep me (and i guess not only me) away from considering oz as an alternative rom.

i follow this thread since weeks and i am sure that we will end with the best hardware coupled with the best software among all zaurus users;-)
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I have been looking for this page and have found a few bits of information from IRC logs and one area of hte forum.  It appears that kmeaw come up with a X-nolines.patch.gz patch for Xfbdev.  There was even a post of a replacement Xfbdev that seemed to fix the problem.  The links in [a href=\"][/url] no longer work for the Xfbdev replacement and which I found in the irclog2html does not seem to work either.  I have not found anything to the mailing list about this yet but I am still looking.

My question is how is Xfbdev compiled different for the 6k then the other Z running X or is it a different with the fb that cause the 6k to be the only one with this problem?  

Also the yellow lines do not show up at all if the screen is rotated(I keep mine rotated left all teh time so  I never see the lines).  What is different between these two states?

Angstrom & OpenZaurus / Fixes For 3.5.4 / Tosa (6000 Models)
« on: July 19, 2006, 10:22:12 am »
I can't get WEP to work using Tosa's builtin wireless lan.
Code: [Select]
iface wlan0 inet dhcp
  wireless_type wlan-ng
        wireless_mode managed
        wireless_key1 11111111111111111
        wireless_essid MYWORKPLACE
  pre-up modprobe prism2_usb
  pre-up modprobe ohci-hcd
  #pre-up /sbin/usbctl on 1
  #post-down /sbin/usbctl off 1
  post-down rmmod prism2_usb
  post-down rmmod ohci-hcd
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I am not sure how relivent this is to using /etc/network/interface but I know WEP does not work with the /etc/wlan/wlancfg-SSID unless you define the WEP in all 4 key slots.  My desknote that also uses a usb wifi card requires that same thing.  I do not currently have WEP setup anywhere so I can not test this right now(Used it at school is how I know).  I figure it is worth a try since I seem to remember it was something to do with the driver needing it that way.

Angstrom & OpenZaurus / 6000l And Oz/gpe
« on: July 17, 2006, 11:02:44 pm »
1. can the wifi be configured via the GUI? or is it command line only? i have an WEP encrypted network at home.
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The gui for gpe does not understand the wlan-ng that controls the built-in USB wifi card. I am working on getting wlanfe or wlanfe2 to compile and run on my 6k but it has not happoned yet.  I understand that OPIE maybe able to control the internal WIFI but I have not test this myself(I may do that this week just to see if the usb0 problem happons on opie with 2.6 and 2.4 kernel).  

This is on my list of things that need to be done to get OZ/GPE working on sl-6k so hopefully we will get someone modify the current network tool to add an option of wlan-ng wifi cards or get a wifi program that work just for the wlan-ng interface.

Angstrom & OpenZaurus / Fixes For 3.5.4 / Tosa (6000 Models)
« on: July 17, 2006, 02:36:45 pm »
Some of the issues observations I have had since I flashed back are:

1.  usb0 stops sending and recieving traffic after a while.  I believe this is still an issue with writing to the cf card at the same time as using the usb bus.  This is a pain in the ass since I like to put my Z on its dock when I am at work and ssh into it, uses synergy or x11vnc on it while I am at my desk.  Is there no way around this issue?  Will I see this same problem if I use a usb hub on the usb host port and plug in a usb network adapter(along with other usb devices like usb cd-rw and usb keyboard) to have network access and being able to uses my cf card, since I do not have access to wifi at my desk(or at work all together but that is a different issue)?
I do not use the usb interface. I haven't heard about such problems on the clamshell devices with 2.6 kernel, because they are using the same drivers.

It does nto seem to be related to the 2.6 kernel.  I was seeing it before on pdaxrom using hte 2.4 kernel and found a few other people that has seen the problem before on pdaxrom.  When I posted about it last May I had decided it was a pdaxrom problem but now i am starting to wonder.  I will try to do some testing and see if OZ 3.5.4 has the issue.

2.  When I plug the Z into the dock it turns the power on.  This is really not a problem other then I would like to have the g_ether loaded when this happens.  Is this possable?
I think this is possible with the apm scripts. Create a script which is called on resume. This script checks if the device is externally powered, then load g_ether module.

Is there a way to check if the Z is on the dock instead of external power since this woudl be when to load the g_ether and activate the usb0(also woudl be a good place to kick off unison)?

3.  Volumn control in GPE is not working.  I am guessing this is due to the sound not being fully supported in the kernel, but I though I would point it out since I plan to put it on the list of things that need to still be fixed on my website(One of the things I test with new images/kernels)
Sound in the kernel is fully working (at least playback checked). I don't know if GPE uses ALSA or the OSS emulation layer. At least alsamixer can control the volume. I am guessing this problem is somewhere between GPE - OSS emu - ALSA

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I am able to adjust the volumn from alsamixer so I am am guessing this is a GPE issue that will need to be figured out.  I will add this to the list of things that need to be fixed.


iPAQ Forum / Which Ipaq Is Right For My Project
« on: July 17, 2006, 02:23:01 pm »
As an update.

I now own a IPAQ H3670.  I know it has a small flash(16mb).  I can now see why people did not recommend it, though since I am willing to create an image for it it has plenty of space for what I need at this time(Wireless MP3/OGG/Flac player).

I am currently looking for a PC Card to uses with this IPAQ.  I have been looking at getting the Linksys WPC11 since I can get it for about 15 dollars.  Is this a reliable card that works the the IPAQ?

I will post more as I get further along.

Zaurus - pdaXrom / Usbd0 Stops Responding
« on: July 17, 2006, 02:19:46 pm »
I have been using the 2.6 kernel with OZ/GPE and have found I am seeing the same problem there also.  I am going to start running some tests to see if I can get some more infomation to see if it is a hardware issue or a driver issue.

Angstrom & OpenZaurus / Fixes For 3.5.4 / Tosa (6000 Models)
« on: July 14, 2006, 10:38:14 am »
My image is build from the oz354x tree, so the packages should be identical (except zaurusd which has a newer config file).
Can you post your error messages?

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I did not get errors that I saw(coudl have been int he logs that I did not look into.  Most of my problems where with programs not saving config change(look and feel, network, screen setup).  It may have been something else I did other then the upgrade since I have seen a few of the issues since then.

Some of the issues observations I have had since I flashed back are:

1.  usb0 stops sending and recieving traffic after a while.  I believe this is still an issue with writing to the cf card at the same time as using the usb bus.  This is a pain in the ass since I like to put my Z on its dock when I am at work and ssh into it, uses synergy or x11vnc on it while I am at my desk.  Is there no way around this issue?  Will I see this same problem if I use a usb hub on the usb host port and plug in a usb network adapter(along with other usb devices like usb cd-rw and usb keyboard) to have network access and being able to uses my cf card, since I do not have access to wifi at my desk(or at work all together but that is a different issue)?

2.  When I plug the Z into the dock it turns the power on.  This is really not a problem other then I would like to have the g_ether loaded when this happens.  Is this possable?

3.  Volumn control in GPE is not working.  I am guessing this is due to the sound not being fully supported in the kernel, but I though I would point it out since I plan to put it on the list of things that need to still be fixed on my website(One of the things I test with new images/kernels)

As always I will post more as I find things that show my ignorance or issues that I find.  I will also start posting to the manual fixes for images as we find them so we have a place to easily get a 6k up with 2.6 for testing along with know issues.

Angstrom & OpenZaurus / Fixes For 3.5.4 / Tosa (6000 Models)
« on: July 13, 2006, 05:11:29 pm »
I had wifi (using the ohci_hcd module) working for a while till I ran ipkg upgrade from since I was that machine had tosa(I was willing to take the risk).  Since the kernel modules are newer it broke a few things, at least it is not working as well as it did before I ran upgrade.  I am reflashing now to start over without running upgrade.

Should I be able to uses packages from that feed?

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