we're a bit stuck with tiger and the z syncing.... the guys over at dsitri are working on a new zmacsync version that will use isync to sync the z but I don't know when that is due to be released.
ive got a more complicated problem... im looking to get lotus notes sync with ical then ical synced with the z...
for notes im looking at lipsync but need some more time to play around with it... as for ical.... im also looking at doing it with ko/pi and publishing the calendars with webdav...
will let you know as soon as i get some time to make it happen...
1. does anyone play mpeg4 video smootly on C1000? 2. which player are you using? 3. what's the resolution then? 640x480 or 320x240? 4. what's the encoding setting e.g. frame/sec, audio quality and the video size finally [div align=\"right\"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a][/div]
have a look at [a href=\"https://www.oesf.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=13385&hl=]https://www.oesf.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=13385&hl=[/url]
<accidently posted into general discussion area, but wanted it in here> hi everyone,
been trying for the last 2 days to find the best encoding and resolution for the zaurus to play divx's nicely... (this has been done on a c3000)
firstly you need to use tetsu 18a kernel with bvdd iwxmmt and mplayer 1.1.5 from atty.jp
I've tried to sqeeze movies down the smallest possible size whilest having an acceptible quality. in my trials ive tried the following on the same divx.
mencoder xxxx -oac mp3lame -lameopts preset=96:mode=0:vol=10 -srate 24000 -vop scale=320:240 -o output17.avi -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4:vhq:v4mv:vbitrate=200 -ofps 20 -sws 2 along the way found a weird thing, the :autoaspect breaks bvdd and doesnt play any avi anymore... reboot is needed to fix the problem...
to play the movie you need to add "-vm -vo bvdd -fs output.avi" either manually in terminal or in kino2 or zplayer options.
anyway after painstakingly encoding all the options above... found the best one, which makes the movie full screen, sound in sync, good clear resolution and an acceptable size = 200MB down from 704MB... and the winner is...
<updated the post - found a better encoding to make the files even smaller - doesnt use lame for audio>
mencoder xxxx -oac copy -srate 24000 -vop scale=320:240 -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4:vhq:v4mv:vbitrate=100 -ofps 20 -sws 2 -o xxxxxx.avi try it with your movies and let us know how it goes....
been trying for the last 2 days to find the best encoding and resolution for the zaurus to play divx's nicely... (this has been done on a c3000)
firstly you need to use tetsu 18a kernel with bvdd iwxmmt and mplayer 1.1.5 from atty.jp
I've tried to sqeeze movies down the smallest possible size whilest having an acceptible quality. in my trials ive tried the following on the same divx.
mencoder xxxx -oac mp3lame -lameopts preset=96:mode=0:vol=10 -srate 24000 -vop scale=320:240 -o output17.avi -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4:vhq:v4mv:vbitrate=200 -ofps 20 -sws 2 along the way found a weird thing, the :autoaspect breaks bvdd and doesnt play any avi anymore... reboot is needed to fix the problem...
to play the movie you need to add "-vm -vo bvdd -fs output.avi" either manually in terminal or in kino2 or zplayer options.
anyway after painstakingly encoding all the options above... found the best one, which makes the movie full screen, sound in sync, good clear resolution and an acceptable size = 230MB down from 704MB... and the winner is...
mencoder xxxx -oac mp3lame -lameopts preset=96:mode=0:vol=10 -srate 24000 -vop scale=320:240 -o output17.avi -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4:vhq:v4mv:vbitrate=200 -ofps 20 -sws 2 try it with your movies and let us know how it goes....
i got one back in 2002 and have used it with an sl5500 without any probs since.. the main card i used it with was a dlink pcmcia wireless card...but have tried with an orinoco and an ne2000 netword card. only had to change configs to load correct modules for the cards..
apart from that it all works ok for me... my understanding is pcmcia and cf have direct pin to pin mapping, only diff is the size of the cards and connectors... so thoeretically any pcmcia should work ok.
I am a recent owner of the SLC3000, and a complete novice when it comes to the Linux OS, although very familiar with the windows pocket pc environment. In particular, I need to be able to synchronize my outlook contacts, calendar, tasks and notes to this unit. First the PIM program on this unit is really poor. Second, I have yet to really be able to successfully synchronize. I either get a message stating there's an incorrect value and the synchronization stops, or, most recently and more often, I seem to get a PC link error when attempting to synchronize -- and when checking in the device manager of the host computer, I no longer see either driver for the unit, even though I know I installed them both -- because I was able to communicate at one time previously in order to synchronize. You mentioned something about the OZ 3.53 image file. What is this and does this fix my problem? Also, I am not able to use my Socket Low Power WLAN CF wireless card because I can't seem to get the unit to recognize the card. Could you possibly help me with all this? I'm frustrated by it all -- so much so, that I'm thinking seriously that if I can't get my issues with this unit resolved, then I will either return to using my IPAQ 4705 pocket pc or try to find a way of reformating or repartitioning the SLC3000 and loading the pocket pc operating system in the Sharp unit so I can instead use the PPC environment and sync using active sync. Thanks. Jenn [div align=\"right\"][a href=\"index.php?act=findpost&pid=79513\"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a][/div]
hey dont give up yet!!!
openzaurus 3.5.3 is located at openzaurus.org... the c3000 version is quite new and i havent tried it yet, so cant say how good or bad it is...
for syncing, i remember reading that the SL 6000 english opie desktop works ok with the c3000... this can be downloaded from one of sharp's sites..
for your card, a lot of people have that card and it seems to work ok... are you 100% sure the card is not faulty? if not, then in terminal, type "cardctl ident" to see what card it is recognised... once you have the manufacturer id (manfid) and card it you can enter it into /etc/pcmcia/wlan-ng.conf
the next time you insert your card, it'll identify the id and load the correct driver for it.
you should post a new thread detailing your problems and we can all help to make it work!!
can use gprs which is faster than connecting to your dialip isp..
most phones these days have the AT command set built in... you can connect to them via infrared or bluetooth... if you dial into your isp you can get data at around 9600bps or alternatively use your carrier's "isp" by using gprs roughly at 56000-115200bps.
in my experience the speeds are perfectly acceptible using gprs and very handy to use your z almost anywhere to connect to the net.
they said the same thing for the 3000... the optional vga out is the compact flash card that conics also sells [a href=\"http://conics.net/shp/pda/zaurus-sl-c700/cfxga/]http://conics.net/shp/pda/zaurus-sl-c700/cfxga/[/url]
from what i found, the infrared on sonyericsson and maybe ericsson phones is a little different to the standard.... so i used it with a bluetooth card and has been working without any problems... all of it was done on a c3000, but i also have a sl5500 running tkcrom 2.0 alpha3.... and would imagine it would work with that aswell...although havent tried it yet..
actually it is working its just hitting the end of file. mabey your file is corupt or mplayer interprets it wrong
mplayer still works without acess to the rtc, it falls back to a software one i belive (dont quate me on that)
i would say that it might be a mplayer-arm issue, try mplayer on your pc and see if it does the same thing [div align=\"right\"][a href=\"index.php?act=findpost&pid=83519\"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a][/div]
hey da blitz, thanks for the info, the avi works ok if i do a straight mplayer file.avi, it plays it at 320x200 sideways and to the left of the screen...
it seems the case for all types of avis.... they just dont want to play fullscreen.... the demo_nemo avi i got from the forums to test out