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Messages - CoreDump

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Angstrom & OpenZaurus / Hentges Rom: New Versioning System
« on: November 21, 2006, 01:22:44 pm »
A new update is available (use the dist-upgrade command):

- Fix a wrong hutils.conf on all machines but collie after an upgrade
  (SL-Cxx00 users should no longer get cardfs prompts etc)

All Users Please Note:
- Exit GPE or Opie before running dist-upgrade

Angstrom & OpenZaurus / Hentges Rom: New Versioning System
« on: November 20, 2006, 12:08:16 pm »
A new update is available (use the dist-upgrade command):

- fixed a problem with fsck on boot for Poodle (updated udev)
- altboot on Poodle no longer offers the "Boot from SD" option

All Users Please Note:
- Exit GPE or Opie before running dist-upgrade

Angstrom & OpenZaurus / Hentges Rom: New Versioning System
« on: November 20, 2006, 10:44:29 am »
A new update is available (use the dist-upgrade command):

- fixed a bug with dist-upgrade on machines where CardFS is used (Courtesy elhennig@z-portal)
- Many improvements to dist-uprade, including support for a testing feed
- Fixed initial asound.state for Poodle (sound should now work out of the box / after a reboot on upgrades now)
- Added a few more work-arounds for this god damn Opie medium-mount bug

Upgrade worked fine, and now I have sound on my Poodle.  BUT ... every time a sound plays I get about 2 seconds of static afterwards.  I seem to recall seeing this problem on some forum post before but can't recall the solution.   Thanks for the hardwork Coredump!

UPDATE:  Fixed using Greg2's asound.state
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Ahem, the problem has nothing to do w/ asound.state. The static goes away after a suspend/resume cycle and is back after a reboot.

Angstrom & OpenZaurus / Hentges Rom: New Versioning System
« on: November 20, 2006, 09:34:16 am »
Ok I got past the medium mount bug by just copying the file off my cf card and copying it to the root of my sd card and then renaming it to .opiestorage.card( I am not sure if renaming the file is necessary as I left a copy of

.cf will work just fine on SD as well

there too)using my card reader and then I rebooted. So I can boot the system now. I have a NAND back that I got off when the first poodle 2.6 ROMS became available and I restored the NAND from the service menu (hold D,P and click reset) shoudl I be using this NAND backup with this ROM? And I after I flashed the latest ROM should I have done a format of the user data partition? I tried to do it from the Sharp menu but it just went throught and began to boot. What exactly is NAND(I dont' mean NAND as a word I mean NAND in the context of the Zaurus)? Is it the ROM memory where the root fs is stored on a stock Z? Sorry for all the questions but I haven't been able to find the answers to these on the forums.

The onboard flash storage is called NAND flash on all Z's (yep, there's NOR flash as well    just not on a Zaurus AFAIK). A NAND restore restores kernel, root-partition and home-partitions and a few other things.

It will, however not touch the root-partition on SD in any way.

Could you post the output of "mount" when that happens? Sounds like the auto-mounter is going nuts.

I can't issue the mount command because I am not at a shell at this point. I will try and clarify. When I reboot first I get the logo and then here is what I see:

Press anykey to launch altboot.........
Booting last selection [3]
Checking filesystem on /dev/mmcblk0p1
/dev/mmcblk0p1 is mounted

WARNING!!! Running e2fsck on a mounted filesystem may cause SEVERE filesystem damage.

Do you really want to continue? (y/n) no        //(I always hit no)

check aborted

Hit "yes" here. IIRC fsck remounts / read-only if you abort the check

Mounting /media/card...ok

Note: No boot -images found in [/media/card/boot-images]       //There has to be a boot image some where on the card because I boot off it and have a crapload of space in my root when I goto sysinfo

This is a message from altboot which shoul not show up at this point.

...rootfs configuration...

This setup lets you reconfigure your new rootfs.
Most probably the rootfs is configured with defaults based on aflashinstallation.
If unsure, go with the defaults by pressing <ENTER>

Usually you /home directory is located on another flash partition.
Do you want to move /home inside the loop image? [N/y]      //Here I go with the default of No

Do you want to keep the SD, CF and /home ipkg install targets?[N/y]  //again I choose No /etc/altboot-menu/15-bootSD: 822
: cannot create /media/card/etc/ipkg.conf_: Read-only file system
mv: overwrite '/media/card/etc/ipkg.conf'?    //here I type yes and then it continues booting into Opie. when I reboot I have to go through the whole Spiel again.
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Do not try to boot from SD with altboot! These new images have a native root-on-SD so chose [1] for normal boot.

Angstrom & OpenZaurus / Hentges Rom: New Versioning System
« on: November 19, 2006, 08:07:07 pm »
You are hitting a bug which I thought already fixed....   Will have a look.

Actually you have uncovered a problem in OEs meta data in regards to udev making multi-machine updates pretty difficult if not impossible.

I'm working on it.

Angstrom & OpenZaurus / Hentges Rom: New Versioning System
« on: November 19, 2006, 06:50:18 pm »
Hi CoreDump

I rebooted and selected no gui from altboot.

I ran dist-upgrade

First it tells me thatit is using the cached copy from the last update and that fails when updating the package lists.

When I run it again it downloads feed data, tells me to press enter, and then says there is nothing to be done, is this correct?


For some reason my /etc/resolv.conf had vanished. I made a new one then re-installed opie-vtapplet, then tried again from the vtapplet, and it worked.


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Current version of dist-upgrade will verify a working connection to before trying any upgrades. The missing connection was the problem here as every time you run the tool, it tries to download updated feed data. If that fails, it will try the data from the last update, and if that fails, too it will try the data shipped with the ipk on installation (likely to fail).

Since the data changed to adjust for new features, the old (cached) data blew up pretty bad  

Angstrom & OpenZaurus / Hentges Rom: New Versioning System
« on: November 19, 2006, 06:43:49 pm »
Do you use the Z at all for PIM apps? If so how do you avoid have to renter everything twice on a desktop and then on the Z? Without calendar functionality and address book functionality my poodle is of limited utility.

I use my mobile for PIM  

Also I can't get past the Opie media mount bug I tried the the step you wrote; before going to the console and entering ipkg remove mediummount but it just comes back and says that there is nothing to do.

Right, because I have already removed it from recent images. Not that it helped a damn bit

Also everytime I try and boot it goes to rootfs configuration and it wants to fsck the SD card but it says that it is mounted and gives a warning. Is this normal?

You are hitting a bug which I thought already fixed....   Will have a look.

And it asks if I want move the home directory to the sd card when I say yes or no it comes back and says "cannot create /media/card/etc/ipkg.conf: Read only file system."

Could you post the output of "mount" when that happens? Sounds like the auto-mounter is going nuts.

My sd card is a kingston 1 gig, 1 big partition formatted ext2. I have checked the lock on the SD card and it is unlocked. Danke.

BTW There was a question before about a kernel panic after flashing. Mine did that too at first and what I noticed was that I had to change the permissions on gnu-tar and reflash. The permissions were only read write for everyone no execute. I changed and it flashed fine and then booted. A tell tale sign that this is the problem is that flashing goes real quick and it tells you that gnu-tar could not be accessed.
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Tell-tale indeed. I usually forget that most folks do not know (or care) how the image is flashed (or more correct: extracted on Poodle). I will make the error-message more clear  
Also new versions of will auto-chmod gnu-tar if needed.

Angstrom & OpenZaurus / Hentges Rom: New Versioning System
« on: November 19, 2006, 03:51:28 pm »
A new update is available (use the dist-upgrade command):

- fixed a bug with dist-upgrade on machines where CardFS is used (Courtesy elhennig@z-portal)
- Many improvements to dist-uprade, including support for a testing feed
- Fixed initial asound.state for Poodle (sound should now work out of the box / after a reboot on upgrades now)
- Added a few more work-arounds for this god damn Opie medium-mount bug

Poodle Users Please Note:

- You should reboot the device after the upgrade

All Users Please Note:
- Exit GPE or Opie before running dist-upgrade

Angstrom & OpenZaurus / Hentges Rom: New Versioning System
« on: November 19, 2006, 03:40:58 pm »
Is it possible to sync to Outlook with GPE? I can do it through qtopia desktop with Opie but When I tried to do it with GPE it doesn't work. I have a good connection and I can ping the Z but Qtopia desktop doesn't connect under GPE. I ask because syncing is somewhat important to me and it was mentioned that Opie is not being maintained anymore. I have a Poodle pxa255.
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Qtopia desktop won't ever work with GPE. I don't use syncing myself so I have no idea if / how you can sync GPE w/ Lookout.

Angstrom & OpenZaurus / Hentges Rom: New Versioning System
« on: November 16, 2006, 08:40:25 pm »

How, exactly, do I exit Opie or GPE to a virtual terminal?

Good point.

First, I tried getting in from altboot.  Option 7, to run /bin/sh sounded useful, but didn't help.

From GPE,

- Logging out just returns me to the graphical logon screen
- Hitting Ctrl-Alt-Backspace kills the X server, sure enough, but then it is automatically restarted moments later

If you kill it >3 times, it will stay down  

LOL.  Oh, I needed that laugh.    


I won't comment on Opies bugs (they won't get fixed anyway) but here goes:
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Yes; I read in this thread that Opie is no longer maintained.  What happened?

Well, no one is interested in actively maintaining Opie these days. The reasons are manifold

Your instructions work great; thanks, CoreDump.  I wonder ... am I able to shut down Opie, and then start GPE (or vice versa) using a similar command, but with a 'start' instead of 'stop'?

Code: [Select]
/etc/init.d/opie start

Code: [Select]
/etc/init.d/gpe-dm start
start opie and GPE up again

It might be nifty to have them both installed without having to use altboot to go from one to the other. 

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It is possible, yes but not really a useable solution for most folks.

Angstrom & OpenZaurus / Hentges Rom: New Versioning System
« on: November 16, 2006, 07:26:57 pm »
Ah.  I see why dist-upgrade was slightly problematic for me:

I've updated the distro feeds, please run "dist-upgrade" from the console.
dist-upgrade works great, but I had a couple of problems.


I should have been more clear. By "console" I meant the VT (ie: exit Opie / GPE)
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How, exactly, do I exit Opie or GPE to a virtual terminal?

Good point.

First, I tried getting in from altboot.  Option 7, to run /bin/sh sounded useful, but didn't help.

From GPE,

- Logging out just returns me to the graphical logon screen
- Hitting Ctrl-Alt-Backspace kills the X server, sure enough, but then it is automatically restarted moments later

If you kill it >3 times, it will stay down  

- I can reboot easily enough with 'shutdown -r now', but that doesn't do it
- I found this year-old thread: [a href=\"]What is the OZ boot process?[/url].  Is that explanation the easiest way to exit GPE?

The easiest way is to change to the VT, then stop the X server:
Code: [Select]
- chvt 1
- login as "root" ( no p/w )
- /etc/init.d/gpe-dm stop

From Opie,

Settings | Shutdown lets me:

- Shutdown
- Restart Opie
- Reboot
- Terminate Opie

All do as they say, and the first three weren't helpful.  Choosing 'Terminate Opie' took me back to a console screen, but I couldn't provide any input or log on.

From the 'Start' Menu, there is a 'Terminal' option, which lets you select from 9 terminals.  (Huh.  What do you know.  Ctrl-Alt-[number] does work to switch, too. I never could figure out how to get back before.)    I can switch terminals all right, but I still can't provide input or log in.

I won't comment on Opies bugs (they won't get fixed anyway) but here goes:

Code: [Select]
- chvt 1
- login as "root" ( no p/w )
- /etc/init.d/opie stop

Thanks for humouring me,

PS.  Wait a second.  Altboot option #2 is "Don't launch GUI".  That gets me into a terminal for my flashed ROM -- is there any way to do it for an altbooted ROM?
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Not easily, no.

Angstrom & OpenZaurus / Hentges Rom: New Versioning System
« on: November 15, 2006, 12:10:51 pm »
Thanks CoreDump for all your hard work on this.  I just installed latest GPE WIP for Spitz on my "new" 3200.  It looks great but, I'm having some trouble with the whole safely removing CF and SD cards. 

I was expecting some GUI tool to handle this but, from what I have read on the forums is that there is no reliably running tool for this.  The Matchbox Cards Applet that I installed just disappears from the taskbar when I tap on it. 

To my knowledge there is no (working) GUI app for ejecting SD / CF cardfs for GPE.

I then tried to do it from the terminal but I can't figure it out.  Cardctl and pccardctl are nowhere to be found.  I guess they aren't part of the 2.6 kernel.  So what does one do to safely eject them?  Is there anything I need to type in terminal to kill my wifi connection before I type the eject sequence for the CF card?

Pulling a WIFI card w/o ejecting it is fine, but CF and SD/MMC storage cards should be umounted first (umount /media/card umount /media/cf)

Angstrom & OpenZaurus / Hentges Rom: New Versioning System
« on: November 13, 2006, 11:08:58 am »
I've updated the distro feeds, please run "dist-upgrade" from the console.
dist-upgrade works great, but I had a couple of problems.

1. The security module kept asking for the pin number whilst the upgrade was trying to calibrate, I eventually had to ssh in from my main box, remove security and reboot the collie.

I should have been more clear. By "console" I meant the VT (ie: exit Opie / GPE)

2. dist-upgrade does not respect user alterations, it re-installed packages that I had removed, and it changed my decorative settings back to default.

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Interesting. Sounds like some hentges-* packages do not like beeing reinstalled  
Thanks for spotting it, I'll have a look.

Could you give me an example which packages were re-installed after you had removed them?
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I had a look today at the offending packages. It only re-installs the Opie defaults if it does not find an existing Opie configuration (no re-install if ~/Settings/qpe.conf exists)

I'm kinda clueless how to narrow the bug down. Any ideas?

Angstrom & OpenZaurus / Updated Hentges Kernel On Poodle
« on: November 12, 2006, 03:59:45 pm »
I also couldn't flash it.
When I tried to install, the process that try to descompress gnu-tar, I think, shows me a messages like "permission denied" and stops the installation. I, and all poodle users, would like a little guide more detailed how to intall.
For example, I have a question, is it necessary to install from CF to SD ? Or can I have the kernel, ,etc .. on SD and install to SD ?

Thanks for all.
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That should make things more clear:
[a href=\"][/url]
[div align=\"right\"][a href=\"index.php?act=findpost&pid=146124\"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a][/div]


a good guidelines. Thanks.

I follows the instructions and I have the same results. Exactly the message is, after formating the SD , "Extracting sdimage1.tgz". This can take up to 30m! /tmp/ ./gnu-tar: permission denied".

I try to do from CF to SD, formating and not. And from SD without format, of course, :-). And I have always the same results.

Thanks for all,
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Sounds like your CF is ext2 formatted and gnu-tar is missing the execute bit?

Edit: I'll chmod +x gnu-tar automatically in future versions of the updater

Angstrom & OpenZaurus / Updated Hentges Kernel On Poodle
« on: November 12, 2006, 02:28:51 pm »
I see that there are altboot images and an updated kernel for Hentges on poodle, but no flash initrd images. How can I take advantage of the updated kernel while using altboot with an ext2 loop image on SD? If I just flash the new kernel it panics on boot saying it cannot mount the root partition on unknown-fs.
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The new poodle images do not support booting off loop-files from SD. It used the SD card instead of NAND, so the SD card becomes your root partition w/o any altboot trickery.

The new kernel no longer offers support for root-on-NAND

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