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Messages - nontrivial

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Ubuntu / Zubuntu 2.0 Released
« on: August 23, 2010, 11:15:20 pm »
I just got around to installing Zubuntu 2.0 on my C1000. Cortex, I know you are working on a 10.4 recompile but can you help me out? So far I have three main problems:

 * Networking - I have a socket card that uses the spectrum_cs driver, and I get the same error that Fatty had in a previous post in this thread. I also have a DLink DCF-660W which is a prism based card that uses the orinoco driver. It is recognized but I can't seem to get it to connect to my network. When I have more time I will try different encryption options on my router.
 * CF card - The CF card works the first time I insert the card, but if I eject the card (after unmounting it of course) /dev/hda1  does not appear after I insert it again. There is no change in dmesg from when it works to when it doesn't. I have to reboot the thing to get it to recognize the CF card again, and since network isn't working it takes several reboots to install anything of significance.
 * Suspend - Suspend just doesn't appear to work. The screen just goes white. dmesg is fairly chatty, mentions corgi a lot even though I hard coded akita in the detect script, and there is generally a lot of stuff that could be the issue like:
   max1111 spi2.2: ... can't suspend
   gpio_unexport: gpio37 status -22

PS I tried getting android to work first and the updater was never able to recognize the SD card.

Angstrom & OpenZaurus / Hardware Question For Wired Cf Ethernet
« on: January 14, 2009, 12:50:52 pm »
I ended up buying one and it works under debian (zubuntu) with the 2.6.23 kernel, so I assume it will work under Angstrom as well. Search for "SOCKET ETHERNET CF CARD" on Ebay and it is the all in one version that does not have a dongle. It is recognized as NEC2000 and so now I have 10/100 network card for $34 including shipping. I think he has like 30 left. One bad thing is it is very long and and makes typing pretty interesting, but oh well.


Angstrom & OpenZaurus / Sdhc Support In 2.6.23+?
« on: January 10, 2009, 11:54:00 am »
I poked around and couldn't find the answer, so please excuse if this is common knowledge. Is SDHC (secure digitial high capacity (AKA big honking SD cards)) supposed do be handled in the 2.6.23+ kernels?


Ubuntu / Wireless Anybody?
« on: January 04, 2009, 06:27:13 pm »
Well, I'm spent a few hours now on getting one of my wifi cards working without any luck. The annoying thing is I boot into Angstrom and they work just fine. I have a D-Link DCF-660W and a SanDisk ConnectPlus. The orinoco module never gets loaded for me, so blacklisting them has no effect. I decided to try and get hostap working so installed hostap-utils_0.4.0-1_arm.deb, switched to the Angstrom kernel, copied over the firmware from the Angstrom distribution, and tried to figure out the scripts that seem to make Angstom work (/lib/udev/ and /etc/udev/rules.d/hostap.rules).

So I guess back to my original post, can people please post the make and model of the cards that work so I can add to my growing collection?


Angstrom & OpenZaurus / Keymap Issue?
« on: January 04, 2009, 12:48:39 am »
Hello,  I am running the 20081219-akita altboot console version. I went that route because there seemed to be a keymap issue on the x11 image. So I was running the altboot console version and everything was working fine but when I installed gpe-* to get the gui stuff I ended up with the same problem. Namely rather important buttons like function and escape aren't working. Can anybody either tell me how to fix the problem or suggest a better version to use?

Also, whatever tskeys is totally dogging the machine and I have to kill it when ASAP after booting. Are there any suggestions for fixing that?


Angstrom & OpenZaurus / Hardware Question For Wired Cf Ethernet
« on: January 03, 2009, 08:56:34 pm »
Does anybody have an opinion on whether or not a particular wired cf ethernet card would work with angstom? Some guy on ebay (search for "socket ethernet cf card") appears to have a lot of them and I was wondering if was worth a shot.


Ubuntu / Wireless Anybody?
« on: January 01, 2009, 11:13:23 pm »
I am having some trouble getting the network connected. I have a Socket CF wifi card, a sandisk connect plus CF card, and a D-Link DCF-660W CF wifi card and I can't get any of them to work. So my question is, how are people getting connected with zubuntu? At this point I am open to pretty much anything including usb and blutooth (but not a modem).


Ubuntu / Akita Install Report
« on: January 01, 2009, 09:17:36 pm »
Quote from: nontrivial
Quote from: canguy247
Sound is working, it is just muted.  Use alsamixer and unmute the "left mixer" and "right mixer" channels.

Thanks, I will try that out when I get a chance.

Yup that did trick. I'm glad you mentioned which of the (literally) 60 options to tweak.


Ubuntu / Multiboot Issue
« on: January 01, 2009, 07:51:52 pm »
Quote from: nontrivial
Quote from: ofels
I bet you have formatted the Angstrom as ext3...
However ext3 is not built in the kernel so it is not available at boot time.

Format the partitions as ext2 and give it a go.


Cool, thanks, I'll give it a go when I get home.

Yup, that did the trick, thanks again.


Angstrom & OpenZaurus / Zaurus Kexecboot-enabled Kernels
« on: January 01, 2009, 07:49:34 pm »
Quote from: nontrivial
I have been trying to get the images in the autobuild directory to boot doing this with no luck, is that because the autobuild images do not include these new kernels? If so, can I just use another set of kernel  modules (like the ones zubuntu is using)?


Nevermind, I had formated the partition ext3. Once I formatted it ext2 everything works fine.

Ubuntu / Multiboot Issue
« on: January 01, 2009, 10:41:46 am »
Quote from: ofels
I bet you have formatted the Angstrom as ext3...
However ext3 is not built in the kernel so it is not available at boot time.

Format the partitions as ext2 and give it a go.


Cool, thanks, I'll give it a go when I get home.

Angstrom & OpenZaurus / Zaurus Kexecboot-enabled Kernels
« on: January 01, 2009, 10:31:48 am »
I have been trying to get the images in the autobuild directory to boot doing this with no luck, is that because the autobuild images do not include these new kernels? If so, can I just use another set of kernel  modules (like the ones zubuntu is using)?


Ubuntu / Akita Install Report
« on: January 01, 2009, 10:24:07 am »
Quote from: canguy247
Sound is working, it is just muted.  Use alsamixer and unmute the "left mixer" and "right mixer" channels.

Thanks, I will try that out when I get a chance.

I also forgot to mention that the clock resets on every reboot. Hopefully that will be fixed in the next version.
Also the touch screen is fairly jittery, is anybody else getting that? I tried calibrating the screen but it didn't help. Is there some sort of sensitivity setting I can adjust somewhere?


Ubuntu / Multiboot Issue
« on: December 31, 2008, 11:52:13 pm »
OK, I've been trying a while now to get multiboot working with Zubuntu and Angstrom without success. Zubuntu works like a champ so I thought getting Angstrom to work would be easy. I have tried various Angstrom tarballs from (x11-image-akita.tar.gz even comes with the command line file). However, whatever I try it can't mount the root partition (/dev/mtdblk0p2) but then it helpfully suggests that partition is available should I wish to specify it as a boot option.

So what am I missing? Does anybody have any ideas or can report success? Should I maybe try specifying ext2 instead of ext3?


Ubuntu / Akita Install Report
« on: December 31, 2008, 10:27:54 pm »
I just installed zubuntu on my akita (Zaurus SLC1000) using an SD card for root and I just wanted to post how it is going so far. For the most part it runs fine. It takes a while to boot and start X, but once it is up and running it's actually faster than I thought it would be for most things. Just for giggles I tried suspend and was pleasantly shocked to see it works flawlessly.

* I dedicated a swap partition on the SD card, but it wasn't usable until I ran mkswap on it.
* Added "/dev/mmcblk0p3 none swap sw 0 0" to fstab mount the swap automatically on boot.
* Added "/dev/mmcblk0p2 /media/card auto defaults 0 0" to fstab to mount an extra partition on the SD card.
* Added "/dev/mtdblock3 /media/nand jffs2 defaults 0 0" to fstab to mount NAND flash partion.
* Added "/dev/hda1 /media/cf auto defaults,sync,noauto 0 0" to fstab be able to easily mount the CF card.

Non Problem Problems :
* tskeys was running wild so I killed it (killall tskeys).
* Got funky warnings about understanding it's not a touch screen but X seems to work OK.
* Added pxa2xx_cs to modules and "modprobe pxa2xx_cs" to be able to mount the CF card.

* Sound isn't working. spitz modules inserted, no errors with aplay, just no sound.
   GUI volume control automutes eventually, cat /dev/urandom > /dev/dsp is black hole.
* Can't seem to rotate the display.

* Get networking working and really start hacking.
* Get sound working.
* Get rotating working.
* Get Angstrom working dual boot style to compare.
* See about speeding things up some more.

* How does one do home, end, and PageUp, PageDown, and  function keys?
* Is it possible to switch over to a virtual console (hence the need for fn keys)?
* How does one map the calendar, address, mail, home, and menu keys?


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