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Messages - Zarhan

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 25
Hi, is this guide still accurate? I think it can be pretty clearly assumed that Planet's repos are never coming back.

Astro Slide - Android / Re: Building LineageOS for Astro feasible?
« on: July 03, 2024, 09:03:43 am »
By the way, I did ask Planet (via hello@planetcom) on Android updates. I did not get even a boilerplate reply, just Zendesk ticket number. And it's been three weeks now.

Well, most keyboard layouts they list as out of stock for Cosmo...

If I'd really want one, I guess I could place an order, and if they fail to fulfill it, just get your credit card issuer to issue chargeback...

Astro Slide - Android / Re: Building LineageOS for Astro feasible?
« on: June 20, 2024, 12:09:23 pm »
Well, still need the device vendor files which I assume are the binary MTK blobs, so no go without those I guess...

Astro Slide - Android / Re: Building LineageOS for Astro feasible?
« on: June 19, 2024, 04:30:50 am »
It's possible to build LineageOS for the Astro, despite Mediatek's closed components. The Gemini PDA port shows it can work. Custom ROMs could be key for long-term updates, given Planet's update history

Well, yes, but as doesn't exactly show what did the author have to go through to get it done.

Based on "all" that needs to be done is getting the kernel sources, device tree and device vendor files. Kernel is apparently here, - but how to get the other stuff?

Astro Slide - Android / Re: Building LineageOS for Astro feasible?
« on: June 13, 2024, 07:58:54 am »

  anyone know of any efforts for this? Or getting a newer Android or something?

  It's just that Android 11 ran out of security updates a few months ago (not that Planet ever shipped more than the single update), so I'd really like to move to a newer OS...

Astro Slide - General Discussion / Re: IndieGoGo are now refunding
« on: May 03, 2024, 01:08:42 am »
Can those of you who have gotten their refunds provide me (via pm) with their IGG request identifiers? I'd like to refer them to your cases. Especially if you have only requested refunds on accessories like the protection pack?

I'm getting the runaround from IGG about them not refunding anything and I should be contacting campaign owner. This despite several folks here, on IRC and even on IGG Astro campaign comments section mentioning how they have gotten their money back. Thanks.

The problem I've had that even with root, there doesn't seem to be a way to set charging limits.  Yes, you can raise an alert when charge reaches e.g. 85%, but then you need to unplug and battery state starts going down again.

I'd like to set something like "do not charge if > 40%, stop charging when reaching 85%", like I have on my laptop, to avoid all those cycles...

Astro Slide - Android / Re: Does anyone use Planet Backup with a micro SD
« on: September 16, 2023, 08:15:31 am »
Have you actually tried *restoring* from backup?

I wouldn't touch Planet's software with 10-foot pole if it's something I'd consider critical.

My approach is to use SMSBackup to save my messaging data, and for photos and the like I just sync to a PC every now and then. (Or I could just sync directly with Google, but don't want to). Rest of this (e.g. layout of Nova Launcher) can be backed up when I change that once a year.

Actually changing the processing settings part of the settings in open camera to fast works well too.

Are you referring to Edge mode algorithm or Noise reduction algorithm (or both)?

Astro Slide - Android / Re: Astro update to V07
« on: July 23, 2023, 02:14:44 pm »
I would find it rather intriguing if Daniel and others could fix their black screen issue by using the HDMI adapter and setting the brightness to max and/or setting the background to just a white image...

I did a test just now. And indeed, if I drag the brightness setting to absolute minimum, what happens is that the display turns OFF - completely - and I have to increase the brightness blindly back up.

Could be it...

Astro Slide - Android / Re: Biometric option not appearing in apps
« on: July 16, 2023, 11:40:23 am »
It does, just have to use pin.

Astro Slide - Android / Re: Biometric option not appearing in apps
« on: July 15, 2023, 07:38:46 am »
Known issue. FP probably not exposed to applications. MS authenticator also does not work with prints.

Astro Slide - Hardware / Re: Astro battery module model
« on: June 27, 2023, 12:57:49 am »
Has anyone disassembled their Astro yet? What's the battery module model?

Planet's own designation is apparently "AS400" based on this photo at but I doubt it's the same thing as this - that came up by googling for "AS400 battery". However, adding 'planet' to the criteria did not really narrow down the results at all...

Astro Slide - Android / Re: Astro update to V07
« on: June 15, 2023, 08:11:19 am »
There is no option to select esim or phyical sim in settings. Even after removing my previous profile of esim in esim wallet , the physical sim 2 are not recognized. When I reboot I saw that is reconized for a moment and after some time it disappears. So , I removed my sim 2 card and I in the future I will change  again my sim card 2 phone number  here in Brazil to esim again. Thank you.

Interesting, in my Astro (running V07, not V07b), I see option "Use eSIM for SIM slot 2" in Astro settings. Maybe they removed that option then...?

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