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Messages - Zarhan

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Cosmo Communicator - Android / Transferring texts and contacts to Android
« on: November 20, 2019, 02:16:30 pm »
I have an N900 as my daily driver. It has SMS and MMS history from quite a long period. I can export the SMSes in CSV format easily (it's just an sqlite database).

What's the best method to transfer these to Android (preferably without some paid app).

I found this but not much else.

Same applies for contacts. I can always export them to the SIM card of course and import back in, but SIM card only allows you to have one phone number per contact and not ancillary info (company, etc). I can export them as VCFs from the N900.

I'd prefer to avoid syncing them via a Google account. In fact, I hope to run my Android with minimal interactions with google, except for Play store.

Cosmo Communicator - General Discussion / Latest updates on Indiegogo
« on: November 06, 2019, 02:20:34 pm »
Does anyone have idea what courier service they are going to use for shipping?

Finnish postal workers are going on strike starting next week and it'll probably last at least 2 hope it's not via post at least.

Cosmo Communicator - Hardware / Rooting the Cosmo Communicator
« on: October 24, 2019, 03:38:56 am »
Actually...can someone point to a good tutorial on rooting Android in general?

The phone I'm using daily is still good old Nokia N900 (only big problem with it is the lack of TLS 1.2 support). Syncing with MS Exchange Online (O365) works. Anyway, this means that I really have no in-depth experience with Android apart from occasionally seeing my wife use her Samsung.

I'm finding a bunch of tutorials by googling for them, but the basics, such as "What are the differences between Supersu and Magisk and why do I need them in the first place" is missing. Same applies for TWRP. (Well, for that I could find info on what it is - essentially a boot manager with partition backup functions), but no one has exactly told why it's needed and why TWRP is the one everybody recommends...

So by "good" tutorial I'm looking for information that besides telling "Do X, then do Y" actually also tells WHY you should do X and why Y is the best choice (instead of Z).

Cosmo Communicator - General Discussion / Scam?
« on: October 24, 2019, 03:20:06 am »
If it's a scam, then this video is a very well made one.

For me, the key reason I paid for Cosmo is essentially due to the fact that Gemini PDA is a real thing (I've seen it it use, but didn't obtain one since I wanted the phone stuff to be there as well).

Cosmo Communicator - General Discussion / Latest updates on Indiegogo
« on: October 23, 2019, 07:59:52 am »
At least Brexit is apparently getting yet another extension, so no need to worry about extra customs fees or stuff like that.

Cosmo Communicator - General Discussion / Belt cases for cosmo?
« on: September 02, 2019, 05:33:02 am »
Quote from: gidds
I've never understood why people bother with cases, when they have perfectly good trouser pockets.  Cases are for wimps who don't use their device enough! :-)

Problem is that storing (cosmo-sized) device in your pocket is going to cause a bulge that is very uncomfortable once you sit down. Only type of pockets that might work are ones in cargo trousers...Pockets work for *small* devices, such as my on-call emergency cell that is just 8x3x0,5cm.

Cosmo Communicator - General Discussion / Belt cases for cosmo?
« on: August 17, 2019, 05:55:08 am »
The ebay offer for custom-made case seems to be the best option (albeit a bit costly) - there's now a Cosmo offering as well.

Cosmo Communicator - General Discussion / Belt cases for cosmo?
« on: August 17, 2019, 03:33:13 am »
Now that we are getting closer to production run, has anyone discovered any good candidates for carrying cases/pouches for Cosmo?

That 17,14cm length is going to be a problem, since I really haven't been able to find anything good at least in Finnish market Even "XXL" size cases seem to be too small (typically they appear to have dimensions of with about 14-16 cm width).  E.g. this one is "only" 165 mm.

Even cases compatible with Samsung Galaxy S10 plus don't work - S10+ is smaller...

Having a window for the external display would be nice too, but not really mandatory, but a quick access+protection are the primary features here. Belt clip is also something I prefer since I don't like shoving a phone down my pocket.

Closest I could find are these:

But if anyone has already found a good solution for e.g. their Gemini (which has same dimensions) that is easily obtainable, please share.


Hi, thanks for the account.

My reason for wanting Cosmo is that I've always liked to have my "phone" with full keyboard. I got Nokia E90 almost 20 years ago, then N900 when it was new. I have been thinking about replacing it, but suddenly it seemed that all phones with full keyboards vanished from the market (with the exception of Priv). So yeah, while I want to use it as phone, I also need to produce text (mostly for server/network admin tasks which are nicer to do if I don't have to whip out a laptop every time). Luckily my N900 has been working fine - only real problem is lack of TLS 1.2 support which means that lots of websites have become inaccessible unless I proxy via a TLS-upgrading squid. Fortunately e.g. Exchange sync to O365 still works fine.

My only beef with upcoming cosmo are it's dimensions - E90 was 13 cm in length, N900 is 11 cm - cosmo is *much* larger. Means it no longer attaches nicely to a belt case. But I guess I can live with that.

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