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Messages - vldmr

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Cosmo Communicator - CoDi / CoDi is a broken feature at this point
« on: March 15, 2020, 11:08:18 pm »
Quote from: SwordfishII
Ok great it didn't meet your expectations that doesnt mean it is "broken garbage"
Cool down man. Do not feed [a person who posts deliberately inflammatory messages]

Cosmo Communicator - CoDi / CoDi is a broken feature at this point
« on: March 14, 2020, 09:13:55 pm »
Quote from: Kamikaze Comet
So it's a quality control issue?
How you unlock it doesn't change a thing. I can also use finger print, it is the same.
I do not think its about quality control. First thing to check is your codi version. Mine is v1.1.1.13. My android is 01182020-v19. If any of yours is less than that first thing would be updating. If yours are the same than I would assume it is something in settings. Like duraspeed for example.

Cosmo Communicator - CoDi / CoDi is a broken feature at this point
« on: March 14, 2020, 02:44:30 pm »
It works for me just fine and I find it very useful and quite functional.

One difference in my usage pattern from yours: I unlock using fingerprint, that does unlock the phone.

Another difference: I have the phone plugged into usb port on my computer while at work, and plugged into charger on nighttable while sleeping. So it discharges only for few hours per day when not in one of these two places. Which makes battery disharge non-issue for me.

Regarding  self reboot - I think I witnessed that myself only once, and that reboot took less than (half?) a minute, after which it was fully functional again. So even it does reboots more, I does not seem to affect me.

Cosmo Communicator - General Discussion / Maybe goodbye..
« on: March 03, 2020, 10:21:22 pm »
I would second that. I had exactly this keyboard and a case with small kickstand which allows the phone to be in laptop like orientation standing on table on its own. Another nice thing about my previous phone - LG stylo - was... stylus kept in phone slot. I also like tracpoint on thinkpad/hp/dell laptops, and one of major reasons is because it is easy to use with sweaty/wet hands. So (embedded) stylus is next best thing after trackpoint
Quote from: KMM
Just before I bought my Cosmo I ordered this bluetooth keyboard:

and it turns out to be a fantastic keyboard, fast BT connection and a touchpad that works well. Ofcourse it´s still a second device you have to carry around, but the next best thing to the Cosmo.

Cosmo Communicator - Android / Keyboard shortcuts in android applications
« on: February 15, 2020, 02:54:37 pm »
Quote from: Zarhan
I installed Saka key addon for Firefox. It's great in the sense that it allows for almost completely keyboard-based browsing, except for one thing:

Is there some shortcut to move the focus to URL/Location bar? I cannot find one. CTRL+L or ALT+D doesn't work. Right now I have to always hit on it from touchscreen to be able to type in a link or search term.
Well, the list of shortcuts for firefox in the first message of this thread does include ctrl-t, with disclaimer that this gets you new tab as well.

Cosmo Communicator - Android / Phone locking when closing lid
« on: February 11, 2020, 01:39:43 pm »
Quote from: Zarhan
Found a the cover display.

I leave my automatic locking to timeout and have the "lock by pressing powerbutton" unset.

I have the same settings, but my phone is still locked after being closed for few seconds. If I close and open it right away, it stays unlocked

Cosmo Communicator - Android / Is it possible to edit keyboard layout?
« on: February 02, 2020, 02:48:08 pm »
Quote from: zsalab2
Thank you. However, still no remapping. The keys stay the same regardless whether I set it to English, Finnish, Hungarian, etc.
You would need to create custom mapping starting with you current layout in advaced settings. It allows up to two custom mappings.

Also note the last command in the top level menu of settings: "About". It contains links to a lot of documentation and FAQ covering different use cases

Cosmo Communicator - Android / Is it possible to edit keyboard layout?
« on: February 01, 2020, 04:18:44 pm »
Quote from: zsalab2
I have installed external keyboard helper, but absolutely nothing happens... do you see anywheter whether is was actually able to identify the keyboard?
You change its configuration in Settings->Languages&Input->Virtual Keyboard->External Keyboard Helper

I think you have selected "Russian (english)" layout - at least that is how I recall it used to work. Change it to plain "Russian" in settings->Languages&Input->Physical keyboard->Integrated keyboard and use Control-Spacebar to switch layouts.

Cosmo Communicator - General Discussion / Firmware update
« on: January 20, 2020, 09:05:10 pm »
My cosmo only showed that CODI update is available about an hour ago. Starting update resulted in immediate failure, after which I restarted device, turned off notifications and switched to airplane mode (after downloading update). After that flashing resources worked from first attempt taking about half an hour, but flushing firmware image failed quickly, and kept failing for another three times before final success. Well, half success, because assistant application reported that CODI was not responding, and several resets did not help to convince it otherwise, although CODI itself appeared to be fully functional and showed new version V1.1.1.13. After closing and then unlocking device the assistant finally returned to its senses and showed green operational state and correct version.

Besides new version in settings I have not noticed any changes. I tried starting navigation in google maps, but there were nothing new on cover display during navigation, just usual notification.

Update 5 minutes later
My bad, was not careful enough: the maps notification has command "Show navigation", selecting which results in showing navigation instruction on CODI. So it works, although I am not sure I would use it over the actual map display shown on main screen even in locked state.

Cosmo Communicator - General Discussion / Firmware update
« on: January 20, 2020, 12:48:51 pm »
Quote from: Rod The DBA
My Cosmo isn't finding a new firmware update, it found and upgraded the CODI firmware but not the main one.

It's currently on version Cosmo-9.0-Planet-10292019-V15 and CODI version V1.1.1.12.

Does anyone know if Planet have a download to manually upgrade? I've had a look but can't see anything.

I love the Cosmo it's a great evolution over the Gemini.
CODI and firmware upgrade are managed by different applications. Firmware is accessed through Settings>System>Advanced. If yours does not show available update, maybe itis not made available foryour region? Where are you located?

Cosmo Communicator - Android / Keyboard shortcuts in android applications
« on: January 20, 2020, 10:34:57 am »
I feel that owners of android devices with physical keyboard need some reference for existing keyboard shortcuts in various common applications.

For example, I found that firefox does support some shortcuts common with desktop (space, shift-space, ctrl-W), but it drove me nuts that ctrl-L (keyboard focus to address bar for typing url) does not work. Then one time out of frustration I pressed ctrl and started to poke every key on keyboard - and what do you know, ctrl-T does focus in address bar (with side effect of opening new tab, which is fine).

So I thought until there will be some proper central place like some sort of wiki for this kind of knowledge sharing, I would start this thread for posting this kind of happy un-obvious findings about working shortcuts in various application.

I will be updating the first post with shortcuts published in the thread. Here we go:

Firefox mobile
  • space
      show next page
  • shift-space
      show previous page
  • ctrl-W
      close current tab
  • ctrl-T
      keyboard focus in address bar (opens new tab)
  • ctrl-F
      find on page
  • ctrl-C/ctrl-V
  • shift-arrow keys
      extend text selection. Also works for starting selection in input fields. In the rest of content selection has to be started by long press.
  • tab/shift-tab
      jump to next/previous interactive element (link,input). Link can be activated by enter key.
  • Ctrl-tab
      toggle through open windows (or open Private windows if the current dsiplay is InPrivate)
  • Ctrl-n
      open a new window
  • Shift-ctrl-n
      open a new private window
Open camera
  • space or enter
      Take picture
Planet App Bar
  • Alt, then enter
      Open launcher (for those, who've hidden navigation bar)
  • alt-1 through alt-0
       F1 through F10
  • alt-space
      Escape. But better use actual escape key by setting back-key=escape in as described here.

Cosmo Communicator - General Discussion / Cosmo Camera Controls
« on: January 20, 2020, 10:15:38 am »
Quote from: David Phillips
Is it possible to fire the camera shutter [either the stock camera or "Open Camera" alternative] from the keyboard?
I'm using Open Camera with API2 enabled and I'd like to be able to fire the shutter using the enter or spacebar key. Is this possible ?
All the time I have cosmo I was taking pictures with open camera using space and enter keys without even thinking, just mechanically. Although it feels that the first shot after opening camera does take longer time to fire, so maybe you were not patient enough to wait for initial result. And yes, I do have api2 enabled from the time I installed open camera on cosmo

Cosmo Communicator - Hardware / Keys getting stuck
« on: January 16, 2020, 09:20:57 am »
Several people (me including) reported that keyboard does take some time to break in with usage. I did have few keys that were hard to register, now after month and a half I can not say I have any problem with that. Of course, your mileage may be different

Cosmo Communicator - Hardware / Speakers
« on: January 11, 2020, 10:06:50 pm »
Quote from: vldmr
Quote from: NormMonkey
I did notice one odd issue: I was doing a Hangouts video call and the volume was low despite turning it up, and tended to distort or clip.  I think this must be something in Hangouts though, not the speakers.  It sounded like playing an over-amplified signal at lower volume would sound.
I had the same exact experience with skype calls. Makes skype almost useless on cosmo
I found solution to my skype problem: need to disable BestLoudness option in Settings->Sound->Advanced->Sound enhancement.

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