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Messages - vldmr

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Cosmo Communicator - Android / V22 is out.
« on: June 22, 2020, 11:28:12 am »
Looks like everyone tries to update CODI after android. Shouldn't it be the other way around?

So recently my daily driver started to greet me with a message "Too many attempts. Enter password" By too many attempts it means attempts to recognise fingerprint. Which attempts are certainly futile as the only thing it could try to recognize was mesh of my shorts pocket where I carry it (cover screen facing body -- always). I am not sure if that started with shorts season  here and used to work  normally during jeans season, but it starts to get very annoying - having to type password in a bright sunlite when you need to make a call.

As everyone else here I hope the problem will be resolved with the next firmware update, and as everyone else here I am pretty certain it won't. I am at version 19 still by the way

Quote from: Daniel W
Well, I do keep it open, on my nightstand, as I use it as a manual sleep tracker

Well, your story led me to examining my hinge very closely, and I did not find any hint for cracking. In a (pseudo)scientific approach with n=1 we have to conclude that it is not good to keep the Cosmo opened for prolonged periods - like during nights for something like 8 hours. Although I do keep mine opened during work hours which add up to the same 8 hours. So we have to dismiss scientific (pseudo)thinking with the score of n=1:1. Maybe other user will care to add to this statistics to shed more light on the subject.

Cosmo Communicator - Android / v22 is coming this week
« on: June 09, 2020, 09:08:25 am »
Well, this thread was started more than month ago, as well as initial announcement by the company that prompted it.

This is really embarrassing for the company, and probably indicative of some serious internal problems: no sane company would knowingly risk getting into such an embarrassing situation by making announcement they could not fulfill for more than a month.  

I bet they are really deprived of software development resources. If such problem just developed during this period (maybe, key personnel left - either for good, or internally to another project), then I would be very skeptical and cautious with respect to the quality of this release, whenever it will finally materialize

Cosmo Communicator - Hardware / squeeky hinges
« on: June 09, 2020, 08:54:58 am »
Quote from: Zarhan
Now, after four months of usage, I'm getting my first problem with the hinge. Not a squeak, but rather a..."snap" when opening the cosmo to "fully open" position. Another snap comes when I start closing it. It's like there's plastic bending somewhere.

Mine started producing something similar not long ago. Sometime it is quite loud crackling sound at the moment it starts to close, but most of the time it is very subtle, although present every time. I feel that it comes from the bending spring-like plate covering hinges from outside, not from hinges themselves

Cosmo Communicator - Android / v22 is coming this week
« on: May 27, 2020, 12:09:33 am »
Quote from: Zarhan
I really wish they'd open up the architecture a bit...
Why would not they open architecture completely? This is a device that supposed to support linux without android. Where is this linux community they keep referring to. It is more like secret society. Nothing like open source community

Astro Slide - General Discussion / Astroslide
« on: April 30, 2020, 08:47:57 pm »
Quote from: NormMonkey
As for the keyboard, I think if I'm thumb-typing anyway an onscreen keyboard is no better or worse than the physical one
Not quite -- physical keyboard does not use screen space, which for me makes a big difference, especially when using terminal. But yeah, some bluetooth keyboards can complement the screen-only devices quite well, especially compact foldable kind. I used this one and liked it a lot.
Quote from: NormMonkey
Now they've got another innovative form factor in the Astro Slide.
I seriously do not feel Astro form factor is very innovative - its just a bar(brick) phone with keyboard slapped underneath. Does not excite me.

Cosmo is a different matter - I wish they (PC) would continue on improving that form factor. Just a bigger external screen, maybe with lower pixel density, a separate (but traditional) android launcher for that, a desktop like environment on internal one, internal screen with minimum (zero) edge, even without camera - external camera on top of functional external screen would do, keyboard with integrated pointing device like track point. That would be dream device. Alas, they just came up with boring slider.

Cosmo Communicator - General Discussion / QR Code Scanning
« on: April 19, 2020, 11:39:19 pm »
Here is the link with instruction how to use QR code from inside Firefox for android. It does require installation of third party scanner, which is apparently blessed by firefox. Its free and non obtrusive though, I installed it long ago and did not noticed any weasel tricks from it

Quote from: vldmr
  • alt-1 through alt-0

   F1 through F10
I was using vim under termux today with plugins/setup from my x86 box, and was unpleasantly surprised with function keys (alt-number) not working. They do work in the same session in other programs, such as mc. Anyone has any opinion - why vim is different? Thanks

Astro Slide - General Discussion / Astroslide
« on: April 04, 2020, 01:34:17 am »
Quote from: ArchiMark
Although about 12 years ago (boy, time flies.....) I had the HTC Shift for awhile, similar slide and tilt up screen....worked fine, but only had it for about a year, if that.....
I probably had a sprint version of that same model at about that time - for sprint it was called just htc pro. I actually still have it. So i pulled it out from the box at storage and tested its sliding action. And here is what I found - it does get jammed in the middle of slide if you push on one side. Then I've recalled that familiar physical action pushing it forward with two thumbs on both sides - that works quite well. Pushing it in the middle with one finger has variable success - probably that is why two thumb push feels so familiar. The phone is much smaller though - gosh, it feels really small compared to modern phones.

The continuously variable angle of screen tilt on that phone feeled (and still feels) like a magic - that the only feature I think cosmo is missing.

Astro Slide - General Discussion / Astroslide
« on: April 03, 2020, 12:06:34 pm »
Quote from: Daniel W
To stay in business, I think they pretty much had to launch another campaign, and hope it won't be quite as messy as the other ones. That may divert some resources away from fixing firmware bugs in the Cosmo and Gemini, but other than shutting down, I don't think they had that much of a choice.

What you describe here sounds very much like a variation of ponzi scheme. If the things are really this way, it can not be sustainable, and would fold up earlier or later.

Quote from: Daniel W
On the other hand, clever hinges has been a theme since the days of the Psion Series 3, so if anyone can dot it, I'd bet on Martin Riddiford.

Actually, if you watch closely youtube video of him manipulating prototype you can notice that the sliding action is not quite smooth, at one moment the screen looses alignment and stops sliding midway.

Cosmo Communicator - Android / Odd Behavior Thread
« on: April 02, 2020, 12:30:46 am »
So this thread started back in november. I was looking through it, and it seems everything that was reported here still applies.  None of the hopes for fixes in updates materialized yet (if you do not count half/full broken v.20, which is not even available any more). Instead, we get announcement of a new next gen product that makes the cosmo comm obsolete already. Feels kind of sad, isn't it?

Astro Slide - General Discussion / Astroslide
« on: March 31, 2020, 10:36:28 am »
I tend to agree with Rahab D. PC being small company that is obviously so thin on resources to reliably maintain its current offering. Now these limited resources will be spread even thinner due to designing the next product. Which means both current and next will suffer.

Raking more money at igg does not mean that PC will automatically get enough of adequate resources.

After weighting my confidence in PC I decided to pull my contribution to Astro.

Astro Slide - General Discussion / Astroslide
« on: March 30, 2020, 09:53:06 am »
So when it was actually announced? They are already past their goal with 174%.

At the moment igg shows 574 backers, 9 early birds left, I tried to get in an hour ago, it showed 50 early birds left, I got contribution number 620 something, card was declined, tried second time in 10 minutes, 25 early birds left, got #670 something.


Edit: Just checked the first update on IGG, which states Astro Slide reaches Indiegogo funding goal in 4 hours! posted on Mar 30, 2020 • 5:29AM. So it was announced about 8 hours from now. Really crazy!

Cosmo Communicator - Linux / Newly installed Debian: no Bluetooth
« on: March 16, 2020, 06:46:11 pm »
Quote from: manthis
Another question: I hate KDE. Is it possible to install Gnome pour any other graphical environment ?

Usually with debian on any device with correctly configured apt sources you should be able to install any graphical environment. Just use you favorite package manager. I myself am not fond of either kde or gnome, I think suckless should work the best

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