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Messages - Dom (shymega)

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Try flashing .13 again.

See attached firmware files.

You could try flashing from Linux. I'm working on a new CoDi interface daemon to run on all ROMs, including Android. It will queue up messages to CoDi, so updates can be smoother.

Give the firmware files a go, and if that doesn't work, we can proceed from there. I want to rule out any bugs with the latest CoDi.

Cosmo Communicator - General Discussion / Re: Camera
« on: May 30, 2022, 01:52:42 pm »
shuntcap -- can you publish the sources? Without the sources, we/I can't adapt GCam for Lineage or stock for Astro, Cosmo, Gemini. Otherwise we'd have to start again.

Gemini PDA - Hardware / Re: Replacement Planet Battery
« on: May 30, 2022, 01:35:59 pm »
Try contacting Planet. You might have more luck than me, and all I'm trying to do is have a phone call!

Cosmo Communicator - Android / Re: Signature spoofing
« on: May 30, 2022, 01:35:16 pm »
The reason is likely because the Android ROM is still based on stock, just with root. For obvious reasons, Planet doesn't provide ROMs that support signature spoofing. Have you tried looking into the not-quite-finished LineageOS port?

It's probably possible, but you need to compile the `ashmem` and `binder` kernel modules for it. I managed it on OpenSUSE once, but now use NixOS.

Make sure to do a full update first though.

It's not an 'OFF' symbol, it means the flash is corrupted. I think you should contact Planet. I had hoped the flash images I provided you would work.

Cosmo Communicator - CoDi / Re: CoDi Media Controls
« on: May 08, 2022, 05:41:55 pm »
Hi Declan,

Might be best to open a new thread for your issue. However, I did reply to your post on the group and haven't heard back yet. A photo of the screen you see would be good. I suspect there's corruption on the secondary flash, or it hasn't been flashed properly. But let's stick to one platform.


Cosmo Communicator - Linux / Re: How to install UBPorts on Cosmo!
« on: March 13, 2022, 06:52:32 pm »
OK, so there's been a few issues with this guide just booting into Gemian. At the time I wrote this, it was off the top of my head, and I also had a non-functional development Cosmo unit due to an experiment. It is now working, so I can test this guide.

I'll look into this some more, but if anyone has issues, please PM me on OESF, or tag me on the Telegram/Discord, so I can debug this further!

EDIT: To elaborate on 'PM me', I've forgotten about this post, and since then, I don't _really_ work actively with Planet anymore. So PMs might not be the best place now. Making posts on OESF in the correct sub-forum is likely to get some help, and I try to monitor OESF, but honestly, I'm not really involved with PC now, and feel burned out.

Cosmo Communicator - Linux / How to install UBPorts on Cosmo!
« on: March 10, 2022, 02:39:13 pm »
Hi all!

Due to demand, and the previous post explaining this process becoming confusing - I have made this post. I ask that if anyone has alterations, please do PM me, so we don't clutter this thread, and make it confusing.

Steps to install UBPorts

1) First, download the Linux ZIP archive from Planet:

2) Extract it to the ROOT of your SD card. It is imperative that you do not nest the extracted directory - it should be extracted, with all the top-level files in, where '/' is the mount point, or disk letter of the SD card like: '/cosmo-customos-installer' - that is critical for multi-boot to work. You should also be fully up to date with Android releases (and yes, I know they're old now)

3) Also download the shell script attached to this post, and put it in the root 'cosmo-customos-installer' directory.

4) You will also need to edit the `` file, and add this line:
Code: [Select]
echo "UBPorts,$MBF/" >> $INSTALLER_FILE below the last entry of similar composition. I have attached mine for an example, but don't use it as-is!

5) Then, install Gemian. This can go in any boot slot but be warned wireless connectivity will not work in the RECOVERY_2 slot for Gemian or any ROM. Also bear in mind, that you'll need both UBPorts and Gemian installed to use UBPorts. There are ways around this, but I have yet to test fully.

6) Boot into Gemian, and download the build output from here:

7) When that's finished downloading, extract the ZIP - your '$HOME' directory will do. Now, copy the file 'rootfs.img' from the out directory to '/ubuntu.img'. You will need to use sudo for this.

8) Now, you need to copy the boot image to the 'cosmo-customos-installer'. You can get it from the out directory, or, for your convenience, I have attached mine to this post. UBPorts will not boot with this, as it acts as the kernel.

9) Now you will need to reboot into recovery as per Planet's wiki, install UBPorts once you set up multi-boot, and select the UBPorts option, allowing you to install to a boot slot.

10) Finally, reboot! You should be able to select UBPorts now. The first boot will take a bit of time, as it has to get ready.

Note: This guide is in the Beta stage, I need people to test it, and once it is working, I'll ask Varti or admins to sticky it.

If you have any trouble, you can go to the Cosmo Telegram group/Discord/IRC/Matrix, or for UBPorts-specific things - that is to say, not related to the Cosmo, they have a friendly Telegram group.


Yay for decentralization :-(.

And what's worse, many of these boards won't be indexed by [insert your favourite big brother web crawler here]. So if there is a problem and a solution is found, other users won't find it. Sigh. That's why I prefer OESF.

(Unless someone creates a USENET group :-))

Uh, well, the Telegram groups, Matrix, and Discord all have search functionality. It's just not in a unified search engine ;-) IRC... good luck.

Astro Slide - Android / Re: Building LineageOS for Astro feasible?
« on: February 16, 2022, 10:59:50 am »
With regards to Planet - they're very busy right now, and I haven't heard anything from PC with regards to CoDi/pmOS/LineageOS, which I *was* focusing on, but have since put to the side while I work on my hybrid KVM switch.

I now have a build server donated, and there's Telegram groups I run for the above projects. Planet are unlikely to ship custom ROMs by themselves.

Let's put it this way - don't get too excited just yet. I'm currently waiting to hear back from some other companies for jobs, and even then, my work might need to be put on the backburner, should my employment obligations conflict.

Astro Slide - Android / Re: Building LineageOS for Astro feasible?
« on: November 17, 2021, 12:07:58 pm »
It's entirely possible. I'm working on getting the Android sources for Cosmo so I can link my new WIP CoDi daemon into it, improving flashing too, but I don't know if PC will allow me to have the sources. Gemini.. I'm waiting for some libraries to be updated, but it IS possible to get current Lineage on it. Astro, I hope to get a pre-prod unit of that and Gemini to get Lineage on. I have a spare Cosmo which I do for Android and CoDi dev.

Planet will most likely ask the community for help with ROMs, as before, but I'd really like to get automated Lineage builds on Gemini, Cosmo, and Astro.

Cosmo Communicator - CoDi / Re: What does 'broken' CoDi icon mean?
« on: November 15, 2021, 05:49:46 pm »
Sorry for the late reply. I don't come here often.

That icon means the main operating firmware *has* been flashed, but the resources image hasn't.

You need to flash the `_resources.bin` - or something like that, manually to CoDi. After doing that, reset CoDi with the app, and reboot the Cosmo.

Cosmo Communicator - Hardware / Decoding LEDs
« on: November 15, 2021, 05:46:28 pm »
Hi all,

I've taken it upon myself to try and figure out what those darn LEDs mean on the front of the Cosmo!

From my reading of the kernel module written for the LEDs, it uses certain GPIO pins on the Cosmo PCB. It's also commented in mostly Chinese, with some English.

My question to anyone who has somehow managed to extract the PCB (this is a long shot!), and I'm by no means suggesting dismantling your Cosmo *just* for me ;) - but if anyone sees a GPIO pin that says either 'P0' or 'P1', please let me know - either here, or on the Telegram (Cosmo group, no PMs, thanks). I think there are subdivisions of P0 and P1, but without seeing the PCB I have no idea.

It's my intention to document the LEDs too, probably on OESF - if an admin wanted to pin it, that's great! :)


Cosmo Communicator - CoDi / CoDi - experimental new firmware survey.
« on: August 05, 2021, 10:26:49 am »
Hey all,

As you may know, I'm working on an implementation of CoDi, but in Rust, a different programming language to the stock CoDi.

Gotta stress though, this is *experimental*, and I can't say for sure if it'll work, or even be long-term viable. It also depends on my free time as well.

I've created a Google Form to gather feedback about CoDi and ideas for my implementation:

It would be great if those who have a Cosmo have any feedback to submit, it'd help a lot!

All responses will remain anonymous, unless you give your permission otherwise, which is asked at the bottom of the form.


NOTE: This project is NOT endorsed by Planet, nor should Planet be held liable for it. It is a *hobbyist project*.

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