Oh Woe is me!
I can't believe I never tried Google Mail under pdaXii13 until 5.2 final got released! I'm sad to report that gmail crashes Firefox Deer Park under pdaXii13
Working fine here. How big is your swapfile, and what else do you have running? Firefox has a nasty tendency to up and quit at the first sign of a memory crunch.
Try closing down everything else, rebooting, and or restarting deer park. I was using it the other day for google reader, and after an hour or so I had to reboot because it kept crashing. It was fine up till that point, though.
Is the web browser not a central app in a distro? I think so! gmail is up there with google, ebay and hotmail as one of the most important, frequently visited sites on the net so I say this is my best argument yet to try and squeeze another release out of the Meanstah!
Deer Park should be replaced by either Firefox 2 or Swiftfox ( http://getswiftfox.com/ )
A browser is a central app in any distro, but trying to compile firefox is a herculean undertaking in the best of circumstances. I don't know who managed to make deer park, but it probably wasn't anyone in the Z community, and the chances of seeing FF 2 or any other branch thereof are next to nil.
There are no good browsers for the Z. Opera is outdated, Netfront is a toy, dillo barely functions, and Firefox is trying to kill a mosquito with a bazooka, except we've tried to stuff that bazooka into a matchbox. Don't even get me started on flash
THis is why I want Vulcan to hurry up and release their Flipstart pc so I can replace my Zaurus
Given that Apple's webkit is behind a new symbian browser, I'd think that it would be a good candidate for a port, but I don't know of anyone who's attempted it.