I\'m receiving and error when attempting to sync from my XP box to my Z 5600. It says that the Z is running low on memory and to quit the application and delete and extra files. Well the problem is that there aren\'t any extra files on it. When I look at the \"info\" I get a Total Memory of 29868 kB, Used: 14976 kB, Buffers: 84 kB, Cached: 13812 kB and Free: 996 kB.
Uh...this doesn\'t seem right when I\'m not running any apps. I have a 64 MB CF card installed. Any idea on what\'s going on and how to resolve this issue? I\'d love to stick with the Zaurus but what\'s the point if I can\'t sync with either my Powerbook or my friggin\' XP box? Argh.