Little video from Charbax with The Doctor:
Thank you! This is as good an update, as the official e-mails. [Edit: Quite a bit better, actually]. Some highlights:
At around 3:10 Dr. Janko says "We will have the phone out completely to everybody... before twelve months". As the crowdfunding begun on Monday, November 5 2018, that would leave only two weeks. The crowdfunding ended on Thursday, December 6. If that's what he's referring to, every single backer should have their device before Friday, December 6 2019.
At around 5:29 he says "So we hope to complete all the production by the end of this month and to ship out the units... latest in the first week of November".
At 5:46 Dr.Janko says "Today is the twenty-first", so this appears to have been recorded on Monday, October 21. He continues "we well be essentially shipping out the units in the next week and the week after that and that's it.". That should suggest they expect to be done shipping by Sunday, November 10 (as weeks seems to end on a Sunday in the UK).
[Edit: There are quite a few technical tidbits in this video too. We've probably read somewhere that the external screen has a resolution of 536 x 240 (that would fit 84% of a Series 5 screen, or 168% of a Series 3...) but there were a few other details, like the Cosmo having three antennas for good coverage, a fairly extensive demo of the external screen, apparently they are toying with decorative stickers for the Cosmo and it seems they'll have a backer meeting in London before the end of the year. Near the end, he reiterates that their current goal is to have all devices shipped by "the end of the first week of November", so that would indeed be Sunday, November 10, 2019. When they will reach their backers, will, of course, depend on various postal services.]