Small or not, those fixes were still very welcome, so thank you again. If the desired picture quality dictates RAW streaming for the viewfinder and that, in turn, gives a low-ish frame rate, then so be it. It really just means I will still need to keep, say, OpenCamera, installed as well, so I can swap back and forth depending on my subject, a bit like one might need to swap lenses on other cameras.
To me, it's more important that you looked into the viewfinder stream than whether you could actually do much about it or not, and the same goes for the peculiarities of the HDR+ mode. Now, we all know these are limitations not easily worked around, and, thus, things we probably will have to learn to live with. Still, thanks to your effort, we are now in a much better position than when we were stuck with just the really cheap kit lens... um... default camera software stack, that is.
A tad off topic, while I think the F(x)tec Pro1 X certainly seems interesting, even offering a Scandinavian keyboard layout, for us so inclined, from measuring available images, its horizontal key pitch seems to be about 9.7mm, which reminds me a bit too much about another Fx, my old Casio FX-850P, on which I typed quite a lot back in the days (I even wrote a ~100 location text adventure on it, now since long lost to battery failure and lack of secondary storage...) and while I think its 10.2mm pitch keyboard performed remarkably well for its size, I had my fill of "how small can you go" around the time of my SonyEricsson P990 (with a horizontal pitch of around 5mm, the tininess of which I thought was super cool back then...) so, personally, I am going to take my chances with the Astro, especially as the "RockUp" slider, should it actually work well (here's to hoping), would enable the first "as-wide-and-tall-as-the-device" physical keyboard on a slider phone, which, at least in theory, would seem, to me, like the ultimate form factor for a smartphone with a physical keyboard, since it maximizes the keyboard size, without interfering with portrait mode usage and doesn't require hacks like a secondary something (which, to me, typically is a hallmark of sub optimal design) to work well... oh, well, we'll see.
Somewhat back on topic, could Planet just get the 48-mega-photosite Astro sensor to actually output unresampled 12MP images, I think we'd be off to a decent start. Time will tell.
As a closing remark, should Cosmo GCam v3 turn out to be the final version, that's probably what I'll be using for >90% of my digital photos, for as long as I keep using the Cosmo. As that realistically means I'm going to, on average, use GCam at least once a day, that means it, and thus you, shuntcap, will likely, until Planet manages to ship the Astro, make my life a little bit better, on a daily basis. For that I am grateful.