How should mtkclient find the Astro?
I think I've installed it on my Mac, based on the instructions on the
its web site. (I already had python installed, and used HomeBrew to install libusb. I had to use the
--user flag for mtk — as my user doesn't have write permission to the python install dirs etc. — and then add the relevant folder to my path. I ignored the ‘Install rules’ section, as that doesn't seem to have Mac equivalents.)
It runs — but doesn't seem to connect to my Astro:
> mtk r boot_a boot.img
MTK Flash/Exploit Client V1.6.0 (c) B.Kerler 2018-2022
Preloader - Status: Waiting for PreLoader VCOM, please connect mobile
Port - Hint:
Power off the phone before connecting.
For brom mode, press and hold vol up, vol dwn, or all hw buttons and connect usb.
For preloader mode, don't press any hw button and connect usb.
If it is already connected and on, hold power for 10 seconds to reset.
Then it prints dots for ten seconds, before repeating indefinitely from
Port - Hint:.
(I've tried it directly connected to each of the Astro's USB-C ports — in each case with the Astro powered off and then on. I know the cable works for data, because I can see the Astro with it in
adb after enabling USB debugging.)
mtk find the Astro automatically, or do I need to tell it somehow? (I can't see any relevant options to the command, nor anything relevant on the mtk site. I'm assuming it needs to be connected by USB, and that this isn't possible over wifi…?) Have I missed some vital bit of installation/setup?
As you can probably tell, I'm very far from an expert on all this… (Which is of course why I wanted some clear, simple instructions
