Filesystem/editors:- Nano
- Leafpad
Geany(or Beaver) <--- maybe not in the image
ROX-FilerI would rather have
ROX-Filer, I find it faster, you can have single-click navigation and configure shortcut keys the way you like just by adding gtk-can-change-accels = 1 in ~/.gtkrc-2.0 . i reckon that cut/copy/paste/link is rather cumbersome on small screen since you need to have 2 windows opened and not maximized.
You can have single-click navigation in PCManFM too but you need to patch the source. See would add
ROX-Archive which is very simple(no navigation inside archive, just plain extraction/creation)
As for GPartED, I find it too big and slow, it is not very often used, therefore i am in favor of
fdisk and mkfs even if it's not user friendly.
WM/GUI:- Fluxbox
That sounds good to me. I like split screen feature, it's useful when you want to drag and drop between 2 windows(ROX-Filer comes to mind). Actually i am using
JWM for speed reasons and you can set it to maximize everytime selected apps.
I was thinking about
Lxpanel combined with
openbox. Lxpanel has lots of plugins(battery,volume,netstatus, cpumonitor, ...) and scans .desktop so the menu is updated when new apps are installed(I don't know if fluxbox does that but certainly not JWM) but I don't know about the ressources it would need on a Zaurus. I think there are GUIs now to configure Fluxbox.
Dillo(as an HTML viewer primarily) and
Firefox3(or Midori or Skipstone)I think WebKit is still not mature enough
Ayttm? instead of Pidgin. See
Ayttm? features-
Sylpheed instead of claws-mail. I don't use all the features of claws-mail and it's becoming quite big
Multimedia:- Quasar
- MPlayer
- GPicView <---- great or maybe
fotoxxx- AlsamixerGUI**
gsnapshot is very small, has GUI and you can select a region, entire screen or window
- EPDFView** <---- from SVN or maybe old xpdf 3.02, pdf are a pain to read on a Z,way too slow
- MTPaint* <--- not in the image
Rxvt-unicode(very fast startup)
Sakura if one needs tabs,GUI config, cut/copy/paste,...
Galculator(or gpe-calculator which is faster to load)
Notecase (maybe not in the image)
- zip, unzip, bzip2, ...
ROX-Archive(and maybe xarchive for navigation)
System- Package manager <----- Qpkg was OK to me
Security:- IPTables* <--- not in the image
- Firestarter* <--- not in the image
Office:- Abiword* <--- not in the image
- Gnumeric* <--- not in the image
No bluetooth packages in the image
And of course GUIs to configure wifi, power, ...