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Messages - scheck.r

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Ubuntu / Zubuntu 1.0 Rc1
« on: January 02, 2009, 01:29:34 pm »
Quote from: cortez
Quote from: Jon_J
Quote from: scheck.r
How can I fix the mouse navigation? it is reversed. I can use my USB mouse to access right-clicks. The stylus and touchscreen don't have right-click.
On my C1000, I get right -click with the stylus using CTRL+Tap

It is setup in xbindkeys-config, but for some reason its not working. I haven't tried editing it, this is the setting:
Right Miouse Click Control + b:1   (mouse)  xte 'mouseclick 3'
Please start xbindkeys-config from a terminal, select the "Right Mouse Click" item, click the "Run action" button and see if there's an error displayed in the terminal window
Using xbindkeys-config I could change Right-click settings to read:
Name:   Right Mouse Click
Key:      Mod4 + b:1   (mouse)
Action:  xte 'mouseclick 3'

which is Fn + Tap though Control + Tap worked also before changing the settings.


Ubuntu / Zubuntu 1.0 Rc1
« on: January 02, 2009, 09:02:47 am »
How can I fix the mouse navigation? it is reversed. I can use my USB mouse to access right-clicks. The stylus and touchscreen don't have right-click.
On my C1000, I get right -click with the stylus using CTRL+Tap


pdaXrom Development / My Blog
« on: August 22, 2008, 06:01:11 pm »
Pleasant to read and motivating

Thanks. Keep up the good work.
If you need testers I can help, though with quite limited knowledge

pdaXrom Development / Pdaxrom 2.0 Included Apps
« on: July 10, 2008, 03:48:09 pm »
Quote from: scheck.r
- Nano
- Leafpad
- Geany(or Beaver) <--- maybe not in the image
Are you suggesting to add Geany? C'mon there are already 2 editors listed (one CLI, one GUI). We don't want bloat (as in duplicate programs) even on a "full" image.
If I remember correctly previous releases had SciTE, Leafpad and mcedit. I was just emphasizing that I find geany or beaver speedier than SciTE. We can leave it out of the image.
- ROX-Filer
I would rather have ROX-Filer, I find it faster, you can have single-click navigation
You can have single-click navigation in PCManFM too but you need to patch the source.
This is something I find strange and irritating, how is single-click useable, especially on a touchscreen device? Sometimes I want to select an item without activating it, how does one do that without resorting to "right-click and cancel any context-sensitive menu"?
Single-click or double-click is a matter of taste but at least with ROX-Filer one can choose. In single-click mode, you can still select a file/directory by pressing Ctrl while taping and get the contextual menu by pressing Fn while taping.

I was thinking about Lxpanel combined with openbox. Lxpanel has lots of plugins(battery,volume,netstatus, cpumonitor, ...)
Wha's wrong with good old IceWM, it's fast, light (fairly) and has lots of "plugins" builtin.
I have nothing against IceWM, I just don't like it as much as fluxbox or JWM(I don't use any plugin however). I found the configuration files for IceWM obscure and somewhat buggy, the GUIs(icecontrol center, ...) are akward also. The GUIs to configure Fluxbox were just what I expected but they were not reliable/buggy(fluxconf, fluxkeys and fluxmenu). I didn't try yet the new GUIs for it. In the end, I find editing text files just fine, fast and not much less user friendly. Nevertheless, if we can have a well configured WM I'm happy with whatever solution we come up with.

pdaXrom Development / Pdaxrom 2.0 Included Apps
« on: July 09, 2008, 01:05:36 pm »
- Nano
- Leafpad
- Geany(or Beaver) <--- maybe not in the image
- ROX-Filer
I would rather have ROX-Filer, I find it faster, you can have single-click navigation and configure shortcut keys the way you like just by adding gtk-can-change-accels = 1 in ~/.gtkrc-2.0 . i reckon that cut/copy/paste/link is rather cumbersome on small screen since you need to have 2 windows opened and not maximized.
You can have single-click navigation in PCManFM too but you need to patch the source. See
I would add ROX-Archive which is very simple(no navigation inside archive, just plain extraction/creation)
As for GPartED, I find it too big and slow, it is not very often used, therefore i am in favor of fdisk and mkfs even if it's not user friendly.

- Fluxbox
That sounds good to me. I like split screen feature, it's useful when you want to drag and drop between 2 windows(ROX-Filer comes to mind). Actually i am using JWM for speed reasons and you can set it to maximize everytime selected apps.
I was thinking about Lxpanel combined with openbox. Lxpanel has lots of plugins(battery,volume,netstatus, cpumonitor, ...) and scans .desktop so the menu is updated when new apps are installed(I don't know if fluxbox does that but certainly not JWM) but I don't know about the ressources it would need on a Zaurus. I think there are GUIs now to configure Fluxbox.

- Dillo(as an HTML viewer primarily) and Firefox3(or Midori or Skipstone)
I think WebKit is still not mature enough
- Ayttm? instead of Pidgin. See Ayttm? features
- Sylpheed instead of claws-mail. I don't use all the features of claws-mail and it's becoming quite big

- Quasar
- MPlayer
- GPicView <----  great or maybe fotoxxx
- AlsamixerGUI**
- gsnapshot is very small, has GUI and you can select a region, entire screen or window
- EPDFView** <---- from SVN or maybe old xpdf 3.02, pdf are a pain to read on a Z,way too slow
- MTPaint* <--- not in the image

- Rxvt-unicode(very fast startup)
- Sakura if one needs tabs,GUI config, cut/copy/paste,...

- Galculator(or gpe-calculator which is faster to load)
- Xournal(or FreeNoteqt)
- Notecase (maybe not in the image)
- zip, unzip, bzip2, ...
- ROX-Archive(and maybe xarchive for navigation)

- Package manager <----- Qpkg was OK to me

- IPTables*    <--- not in the image
- Firestarter* <--- not in the image

- Abiword*   <--- not in the image
- Gnumeric* <--- not in the image

No bluetooth packages in the image

And of course GUIs to configure wifi, power, ...

Zaurus - pdaXrom / Want Compiled Thread?
« on: July 04, 2008, 08:52:37 am »
Quote from: kkazakov13
Ok, managed to compile diary -

you may need also and

Beware that pressing Enter or Space or going back with the arrows to the first position crashed Diary. No idea why, but I'm not investigating further ...
Thanks, It seems I can only write notes for passed days but not following days, strange, and there are random crashes too. This app looks promising though.

Zaurus - pdaXrom / Want Compiled Thread?
« on: June 24, 2008, 01:06:38 pm »
Could someone compile Diary 0.3.1 plaese ?
See Diary on


Zaurus - pdaXrom / New Packages Announcement
« on: May 11, 2008, 05:54:22 pm »
Xarvhive 0.2.8-6
Mtpaint 3.20

Natively compiled on C1000 using kkazakov13 packages. Stripped binaries and removed doc/help.
Xarchive is a lightweight gtk2 front end to zip, unzip, rar, ... You can navigate inside archives and view files in them without extracting the archive.
Mtpaint is a lightweight image manipulation app

Zaurus - pdaXrom / My Updated Beta3
« on: May 11, 2008, 05:41:00 pm »
That's great.
I am using a C-1000 and I have already updated/upgraded form pdaxii13 5.4.9 with your feed and it's rock solid. I started compiling natively some simple apps but it's very slow. A development distcc setup and archives and files would be very useful for everybody so that we can contribute more often.


Zaurus - pdaXrom / New Packages Announcement
« on: May 11, 2008, 07:43:22 am »
Calcurse 2.0

Natively compiled on C1000 using kkazakov13 packages.
If you want PDF import/export in Xournal, you need also probably poppler(pdftoppm).
Calcurse needs ncurses.

Edit: Deleted: wrong thread

Debian / Htc Universal
« on: April 11, 2008, 05:53:09 am »
Quote from: ArchiMark
Sounds interesting, datathief.....

How is the keyboard and display?

Also, is there handwriting recognition app available if you run linux?

Keep us posted....

Yes , there is cellwriter

Asus Eee PC / How Much Ram Is In Your Eee Pc?
« on: April 07, 2008, 01:54:36 pm »
Currently using 512Mo of RAM in an eeeXubuntu set up, I find it okay for most things except for browsing websites that use flash intensively and of course when compiling. I also experiment with Pupeee(based on puppy linux 3.01 with eeepc drivers) booting from SD and running totally in RAM. That is incredibly fast.
How is battery life using 2Go of RAM ?

Software / Pim That Is Usable
« on: March 24, 2008, 06:24:07 pm »
Quote from: ZDevil
Quote from: scheck.r
The english version (0.8.10 and not 1.1.0) is here:
No, this is a different but very simialr program called "Qualendar". Like the other one it also uses the Sharp PIM databases, but it only integrates Calendar and Todo without Addressbook.
Thanks for the clarification

Software / Pim That Is Usable
« on: March 21, 2008, 12:54:25 pm »
Quote from: ZDevil
This one is fantastic:
It seems to be the choice PIM app for Sharp ROM in the Japanese Z community.
I've tried it before. It's very fast and well-integrated (calendar, addressm, todo ... just like on a Palm)
The interface seems to be in japanese only. But maybe there is a way to get it working in English.
Or perhaps contact the author (if s/he is still reachable) to work out the translation?

The english version (0.8.10 and not 1.1.0) is here:

Zaurus - pdaXrom / Hv3 - Tcl/tk Web Browser
« on: December 26, 2007, 08:17:27 pm »
Hi all,

I tried briefly HV3(see on my x86 laptop, it renders pages really well, it's fast and seems less buggy than NETSURF 2.0, I am really impressed. It supports HTML, CSS, HTTP and ECMAScript (a.k.a. javascript), frames, tabs, bookmarks(import from firefox), history, download GUI ala epiphany. I wonder if it can be compiled easily for the Z, if it crashes, if it's fast...It is still alpha software. Check it out !

As anyone tried it on old x86 hardware ?

Happy Christmas

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