omro, you are so interested about how your money can improve the pdaxom
did you ever donate for all the work they already did?
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Yes I have and I've mentioned that I have more than once, this is the only Zaurus project I have donated to. I donated $50 the second I read the first post from Sashz, as a thanks for all the hard work that has been done in the past. And I don't even use pdaXrom day to day yet, because it's not able to do the things I need it to do yet, but it's the most likely candidate to be able to.
I think pdaXrom is an amazing Rom, the best for the Zaurus infact. I think the developers have done an incredible job. I don't deny that in the slightest.
All I'm trying to do is point out that you can't continually pay out money without knowing where it's going and what it's being spent on. And at this moment in time that information is severely lacking.
What if you pay all this money and all the developers want to do from this point forward is turn pdaXrom into a brilliant way to control all their stereo equipment? I know that's a silly and extreme example, but what if? What if there is no further development that is tangible and visible to all?
I'm not technical. I'm a mac user (that should show you how untechnical I am!). I have a single powerbook which I love. I have no PC, except a really awful pentium that's in a cupboard that I don't really want to bring out of retirement. I love pdaXrom and have enjoyed my attempts with it, but it's not yet ready for me to use full time so that I can abandon the other roms. I can't see myself being anything but dependent on the efforts of others to provide the apps that I want to use. I don't appreciate the, just do it yourself responses from others on here.
Not everyone has the time, skill or equipment to just do it themself.
All I've ever wanted and suggested was that a more user friendly version of pdaXrom be created, with a core set of apps and features that the majority of basic users require and desire. This is NOT catered for by the existing Rom. My idea for committee of users, was only to get involved in this element. The knee jerk reactions, while funny to read and containing some valid points are somewhat closed minded and missing my point.
I want pdaXrom to continue and grow and evolve. I have stated that I'm perfectly happy to contribute a sum of money each month. I'm just not willing to give my money away blindly. Why should anyone be asked to?
This is their project, if you don't like it, fork or find another (it is not because it's linux that their work is free, and it is not because of opensource that is free, and it is not because of the GPL that is free, it is only because they want to)
I really love it, I don't want to fork it or find another. I just want it to be brillaint.
Asking people do pay a monthly sum, kinda makes it not free....
I hope no one thinks me ungrateful for unappreciative of all the work that has been done on this rom. If I was, then I'd never have contributed a penny.
I'm allowed to air my opinion and I am. People can agree with me or not and thus far, the most vocal are the ones who don't. But there are people who do.
I gave my donation and I'm willing to donate more. I'll be in the wait and see camp first, I'll wait and see where this is going before I donate again. And this is my right, so don't comment on it. I hope the developers post a detailed road map and I hope the developers listen to user requests, even if they are informal, and I hope that the next proper release is as awesome as these release candidates are.