Author Topic: Zubuntu 1.0 Rc1 Upgraded To Ubuntu Jaunty 9.04 Armel  (Read 82064 times)


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Zubuntu 1.0 Rc1 Upgraded To Ubuntu Jaunty 9.04 Armel
« Reply #45 on: September 11, 2009, 03:37:47 am »
I am confirming that.
LXDE is not much slow but it has nasty bug and after resume takes a lot of cpu. The longer suspend the longer wake-up cpu-fill-up.

After changing to matchbox problem ends.


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Zubuntu 1.0 Rc1 Upgraded To Ubuntu Jaunty 9.04 Armel
« Reply #46 on: November 20, 2009, 08:54:06 pm »
Quote from: adf
All this seemed to do is to remove most of my system..then crash. Presumably I missed something?

Hi adf,

How did you get on with the upgrade?

I just reinstalled with the correct files and things seem to have improved alot!

All the best,




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Zubuntu 1.0 Rc1 Upgraded To Ubuntu Jaunty 9.04 Armel
« Reply #47 on: March 16, 2010, 01:10:58 pm »
I've read numerous threads in the oesf (z)ubuntu forum and by the sounds of things, zubuntu jaunty sounds like the best OS available for my c3000 seeing as many have complained of Karmic being significantly slower and there being problems with updating and installing new packages thanks to libc6 and many things being compiled for a newer ARM arch than our Z's.

I have yet to try installing the regular zubuntu 1.0 rc1 then updating it to jaunty as described in the first post of this thread but I expect I'm going to have the same problem I'm having with both zubuntu 2.0 and the jaunty tarball linked in post #1 here, and that is that booting both the jaunty tarball and 2.0 only gets as far as

Warning: unable to open an initial console

I have looked within /dev under both 2.0 and this tarball and it is suspiciously bare with only a few entries so I did as suggested in the zubuntu 2.0 thread and ran

MAKEDEV console

Within the /dev dir (when booted via D+B ) and that did create a number of extra console devices but also complained of awk being missing and something about corgi something being missing too so maybe the command didn't fully, properly execute and make every device required?

Another thing that could be a problem is my fstab as post #1 says I need to edit it but it doesn't say how- I've looked at fstab and it says I shouldn't really change / as that gets pivoted anyway- I have installed the zubuntu rootfs's to hda1 which is my microdrive. I have a swap partition as hda2 and that is setup correctly in fstab already.

Maybe I'm installing it incorrectly? I've been guessing a few things seeing as cortezs' guide presumes you want to install to a CF or SD card but I want zubuntu as my sole OS on my microdrive so I've been booting into the D+B console, formatting hda1 with

mke2fs -j -L zubuntu /dev/hda1

Then I mount my CF card with the zubuntu tarball on it and extract it to hda1 followed by the spitz additions tarball- I had to use my desktop Linux box to convert the jaunty tarball into a .tar.gz as the busybox tar doesn't support bzip2 compressed files. kexec seems to be fine as of course I'm getting that menu.

Finally, can I use the spitz-root-addition-v2.0.tar.gz kernel and modules with zubuntu jaunty? I have already tried that but I just get the 'Warning: unable to open an initial console' error as with the other combinations.
« Last Edit: March 16, 2010, 01:12:13 pm by danboid »
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Zubuntu 1.0 Rc1 Upgraded To Ubuntu Jaunty 9.04 Armel
« Reply #48 on: March 16, 2010, 03:31:12 pm »
I've read numerous threads in the oesf (z)ubuntu forum and by the sounds of things, zubuntu jaunty sounds like the best OS available for my c3000 seeing as many have complained of Karmic being significantly slower and there being problems with updating and installing new packages thanks to libc6 and many things being compiled for a newer ARM arch than our Z's.

I have yet to try installing the regular zubuntu 1.0 rc1 then updating it to jaunty as described in the first post of this thread but I expect I'm going to have the same problem I'm having with both zubuntu 2.0 and the jaunty tarball linked in post #1 here, and that is that booting both the jaunty tarball and 2.0 only gets as far as

Code: [Select]
Warning: unable to open an initial console
I have looked within /dev under both 2.0 and this tarball and it is suspiciously bare with only a few entries so I did as suggested in the zubuntu 2.0 thread and ran

Code: [Select]
MAKEDEV console
Within the /dev dir (when booted via D+B ) and that did create a number of extra console devices but also complained of awk being missing and something about corgi something being missing too so maybe the command didn't fully, properly execute and make every device required?

Another thing that could be a problem is my fstab as post #1 says I need to edit it but it doesn't say how- I've looked at fstab and it says I shouldn't really change / as that gets pivoted anyway- I have installed the zubuntu rootfs's to hda1 which is my microdrive. I have a swap partition as hda2 and that is setup correctly in fstab already.

Maybe I'm installing it incorrectly? I've been guessing a few things seeing as cortezs' guide presumes you want to install to a CF or SD card but I want zubuntu as my sole OS on my microdrive so I've been booting into the D+B console, formatting hda1 with

Code: [Select]
mke2fs -j -L zubuntu /dev/hda1
Then I mount my CF card and microdrive:

Code: [Select]
mkdir /cf
mount /dev/hdc1 /cf
mount /dev/hda1 /hdd1

thenI extract my zubuntu tarball to hda1:

Code: [Select]
tar xpzvf /cf/zubuntu-904.tar.gz -C /hdd1
followed by the spitz-root-addition tarball:

Code: [Select]
tar xpzvf /cf/spitz-root-addition.tar.gz -C /hdd1
cd /
umount /cf /hdd1

I had to use my desktop Linux box to convert the jaunty tarball into a .tar.gz as the tar version included in my c3000 D+B NAND doesn't support uncompressing bzip2 compressed files. kexec seems to be fine of course as at least I'm getting that menu OK.

Finally, can I use the spitz-root-addition-v2.0.tar.gz kernel and modules with zubuntu jaunty? I have already tried that but I just get the 'Warning: unable to open an initial console' error as with the other combinations.
« Last Edit: March 16, 2010, 07:52:01 pm by danboid »
Zaurus SL-C3000 w/ MD swapped for a Kingston 32GB Ultimate 266X CF running ALARM
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How to install Arch on your C3x00 Zaurus


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Zubuntu 1.0 Rc1 Upgraded To Ubuntu Jaunty 9.04 Armel
« Reply #49 on: March 16, 2010, 07:04:33 pm »
I have tried to install this jaunty zubuntu tarball a few times now with both spitz-root-addition.tar.gz and spitz-root-addition-v2.0.tar.gz only to get the same 'unable to open initial console' error. I've just updated my previous post as my tar command was incorrect as I have been extracting both my tar.gz files with 'tar xpzvf', I just don't normally bother to include the 'p', but that is specified in the OP's instructions so thats what I've be trying.

Its also important to mention that 'fsck -fcp /dev/hda1' returns no errors, I have checked the md5sum of zubuntu-desktop-jaunty-rootfs_feb.2009-rev-armel.tar.bz2  is OK and that when I extracted zubuntu-desktop-jaunty-rootfs_feb.2009-rev-armel.tar.bz2 on my PC I did so as root using a command beginning 'tar xpvjf' and when I re-tarred the contents (again on my PC) I did so as root with 'tar cpvf' - they should do it right?

I'd like to hear from anyone who has successfully installed zubuntu-desktop-jaunty-rootfs_feb.2009-rev-armel.tar.bz2 on a c3000 without either having to have an existing OS installed on the MD or having to physically remove the MD and copy stuff over that way. Did you have to alter /etc/fstab and if so how? I am starting to wonder if I'm having probs due to a bug within Lineo uLinux's kernel or its busybox/tar/mk2efs or some other software of my NAND I'm using here? I think the install tools used for pdaXii13 etc. are a bit newer (if still old) than the versions integrated in the c3000 NAND/ D+B menu (Lineo). I have also tried to install zubuntu by booting the pdaXii13 5.4.9 installer off an SD card the choosing the command option but unlike Lineo it doesn't register cards inserted into the CF slot nor USB memory sticks.

I have yet to try installing using the original zubuntu 1.0RC rootfs so thats my next thing to try..


I have now tried following my install procedure detailed in my last post with zubuntu-desktop-rc1.tar.gz and spitz-root-addition.tar.gz yet I'm still just getting the same ol' 'unable to open initial console' warning so now I presume my install method is not an option ie you have to have a full c3000 Zaurus OS installed somewhere and available to boot into to install zubuntu onto your MD or you have to remove you MD and stick it directly into your PC's CF slot OR do I just need a certain fstab entry/adjustment to get zubuntu to boot?
« Last Edit: March 16, 2010, 10:04:41 pm by danboid »
Zaurus SL-C3000 w/ MD swapped for a Kingston 32GB Ultimate 266X CF running ALARM
Banana Pi running ALARM on a WD Scorpio SATA II HD
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How to install Arch on your C3x00 Zaurus


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Zubuntu 1.0 Rc1 Upgraded To Ubuntu Jaunty 9.04 Armel
« Reply #50 on: March 17, 2010, 12:26:54 pm »

I now now have Jaunty booting on my c3000 using zubuntu-desktop-jaunty-rootfs_feb.2009-rev-armel.tar.bz2 which I installed using the D+B emergency boot method described above albeit with a few small additional steps I'm just about to detail- sorry for not searching this forum first as my question had been answered but my trial and error could've been avoided if post #1 of this thread gave fuller instructions and/or cortez fleshed out his install guide for zubuntu with the things that tripped me up. I found the necessary mknod commands buried in a thread on this forum- apparently they were found in some comments on the omegamoon site but I never saw them. I've not got to properly play with it yet but first impressions are very, very good! I know zubuntu has been around for a year or so now (I was Z'less when it got released) but it seems a shame to me that this should happen so late to the life of the Spitz- after manufacturing of the Zaurus had stopped no less as this is the Linux experience I wanted 'out-of-the-box' when I first got my hands on a Z. Shame on you Sharp and big thanks to Cortez, same, kexec/ Angstrom devs, Ubuntu community and everyone who did help bring Ubuntu to the Z!

Previously, the best 'desktop Linux' distro I'd had working on my spitz was pdaXii13, which feels like computing in treacle compared to zubuntu. An unmodified pdaXii13v2 (5.5.0a) takes just under 3m 30s to boot to X from power on- zubuntu takes about 55s which is honestly as good a boot time as booting Jaunty (with GNOME, though) on my Core 2 Duo laptop, which also takes just about 1m to boot from grub. pdaXii13 consumes pretty much every K of your RAM and after booting to X as you have less than 3MB RAM free whereas zubuntu leaves you a whopping (in comparison) 25MB RAM to play with after loading X and rxvt! Obviously this makes a massive difference to general performance and load times.

I have got zubuntu jaunty to boot using spitz-root-addition-v2.0.tar.gz although it creates more errors at boot time and X isn't guaranteed to work either- it won't start more often than not (complains of an Xinput Extension problem of some sort) so you want to stick with the spitz-root-addition.tar.gz used with 1.0RC for use with  zubuntu-desktop-jaunty-rootfs_feb.2009-rev-armel.tar.bz2 .

I think my 'unable to open initial console error' is only experienced by those installing zubuntu onto internal CF/ Microdrive, so if you are doing so then after having done 'tar xpzvf /cf/spitz-root-addition.tar.gz -C /hdd1' you need to do:

Code: [Select]
cd /hdd1/dev
mknod -m 660 console c 5 1
mknod -m 660 null c 1 3
mknod -m 660 rtc c 10 135

Before unmounting the drives and rebooting.

When you boot for the first time, zubuntu will only get as far as its fake 'Loading' splash screen and X will fail to load- you need to disable the fake splash which you do by pushing CTRL+ALT (button just to the right of Ctrl) + 2 once drive activity has ceased to switch to the second virtual terminal. Login as root then type:

nano /boot/kernel-cmdline

and change psplash's value to 'false'. Save (CTRL+O), quit (CTRL+X), reboot and enjoy!

PS Cortez and OP - I'd appreciate it if you could update your install guides with this info so no-one else has to loose multiple days searching and experimenting to get off the ground with zubuntu - thanks!
« Last Edit: March 17, 2010, 03:30:34 pm by danboid »
Zaurus SL-C3000 w/ MD swapped for a Kingston 32GB Ultimate 266X CF running ALARM
Banana Pi running ALARM on a WD Scorpio SATA II HD
System76 Gazelle Pro i7 laptop w/ SAMSUNG 840 EVO SSD running Arch x64

How to install Arch on your C3x00 Zaurus


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Zubuntu 1.0 Rc1 Upgraded To Ubuntu Jaunty 9.04 Armel
« Reply #51 on: September 04, 2014, 09:27:21 am »
Hi all....

I know it has been about 4 years since last post, but just in case anyone is still around.....

I just tried download link for the tarball in first post...but the download is no longer big surprise, given the length of time...

Does anyone have this tarball and can provide a link to get it?

Want to try it on my 3200.....

Meanwhile, just tried using apt-get and I get error messages about not able to resolve ''.....assume that repo is no longer working?....

Any other options?


« Last Edit: September 04, 2014, 08:50:47 pm by ArchiMark »
Silicon Valley Digerati - * Please see my Mini Laptops For Sale Listing *
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Zubuntu 1.0 Rc1 Upgraded To Ubuntu Jaunty 9.04 Armel
« Reply #52 on: September 06, 2014, 02:21:27 pm »
Quote from: ArchiMark
Hi all....

I know it has been about 4 years since last post, but just in case anyone is still around.....

I just tried download link for the tarball in first post...but the download is no longer big surprise, given the length of time...

Does anyone have this tarball and can provide a link to get it?

Want to try it on my 3200.....

Meanwhile, just tried using apt-get and I get error messages about not able to resolve ''.....assume that repo is no longer working?....

Any other options?



hehe... just took my old boxer for a ride... still works, it runs zubuntu and afair I got it from Omegamoon blog - it seems that the links there are still alive, try there...

[a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"][a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"][a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"][a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"]

I don't know about the repository, but if you find anything please share...

good luck.

C860 Autobuilt Angstrom (OPIE) & Zubuntu 9.04  dual boot using kexec
SanDisk SDHC 4GB, Agiwara Sys-Com CF 1GB, Sandisk CF 256MB, Socket BT, Linksys WCF12 Wifi card, RoyalTek RBT-1000 Bluetooth GPS


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Zubuntu 1.0 Rc1 Upgraded To Ubuntu Jaunty 9.04 Armel
« Reply #53 on: September 06, 2014, 03:05:47 pm »

To clarify....

Omegamoon has different versions available than the that was linked in first post here.

I have tried both of Omegamoons and they each have issues.

V1.0 has no working repo and V2.0 has suspend problem that locks up Zaurus and can't wake it up. This is why I wanted to try version from this thread, based upon Ubuntu 9.04.

Hope this is clear now.
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Zubuntu 1.0 Rc1 Upgraded To Ubuntu Jaunty 9.04 Armel
« Reply #54 on: September 06, 2014, 04:11:39 pm »
Quote from: ArchiMark

To clarify....

Omegamoon has different versions available than the that was linked in first post here.

I have tried both of Omegamoons and they each have issues.

V1.0 has no working repo and V2.0 has suspend problem that locks up Zaurus and can't wake it up. This is why I wanted to try version from this thread, based upon Ubuntu 9.04.

Hope this is clear now.

Yeah... I also tried looking for the 9.04 images I used, but couldn't find them... btw, I think you can find the repos in the old ubuntu repositories:

C860 Autobuilt Angstrom (OPIE) & Zubuntu 9.04  dual boot using kexec
SanDisk SDHC 4GB, Agiwara Sys-Com CF 1GB, Sandisk CF 256MB, Socket BT, Linksys WCF12 Wifi card, RoyalTek RBT-1000 Bluetooth GPS


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Zubuntu 1.0 Rc1 Upgraded To Ubuntu Jaunty 9.04 Armel
« Reply #55 on: September 06, 2014, 07:33:43 pm »
Hopefully, somebody still has the file and can share it!.....

Silicon Valley Digerati - * Please see my Mini Laptops For Sale Listing *
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Zubuntu 1.0 Rc1 Upgraded To Ubuntu Jaunty 9.04 Armel
« Reply #56 on: February 23, 2015, 12:27:21 pm »
zubuntu-desktop-jaunty-rootfs_feb.2009-rev-armel.tar.bz2 98.1 MB!zsd1wZRR!olX3i...SE6Elr0m9_Nrqjs

now repository is:

so change /etc/apt/sources.list accordingly
« Last Edit: February 25, 2015, 12:19:17 pm by same »
pdaXii13 5.4.9 (HD) Ubuntu Jaunty 9.04 + (cpufreq with dvfm) (SDHC) 3200


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Zubuntu 1.0 Rc1 Upgraded To Ubuntu Jaunty 9.04 Armel
« Reply #57 on: February 25, 2015, 06:10:53 pm »

Silicon Valley Digerati - * Please see my Mini Laptops For Sale Listing *
Cosmo Communicator / One-Netbook One Mix Yoga 3S (Win 10/Manjaro 18)
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Zubuntu 1.0 Rc1 Upgraded To Ubuntu Jaunty 9.04 Armel
« Reply #58 on: April 09, 2015, 09:25:07 am »
Hi ArchiMark,
Have you been successful with installing Ubuntu Jaunty 9.04 Armel in this thread?
I tried it with varying results. I have tried 2 different installs.
I already have the multiboot kernel installed and working.

1. I followed instructions in first post exactly, except instead of downloading spitz-root-addition.tar.gz from omegamoon, I used one I have from back when cortez posted it.  I have 2 versions with the same name. One dated 12-25-2008, and the other dated 12-29-2008.
I used the later one.
This setup results in attempting to boot ubuntu, but it gets stuck at loading the SD card.
"waiting for root device /dev/mmcblk0p1" It just hangs there. I have waited for about 10-15 minutes.

2. This is my second attempt.
I decided to look at cortez's  Zubuntu version 2.0 released for Spitz.
I have all these stored on my hard drive on my desktop PC and elsewhere.
When I looked in the folder, I found a different version of spitz-root-addition.tar.gz.
It is named "spitz-root-addition-v2.0.tar.gz"
This is when I decided to try installing Ubuntu Jaunty 9.04 Armel again.
I formatted the SD card to ext3 before I tried this.
I installed Ubuntu Jaunty 9.04 Armel and spitz-root-addition-v2.0.tar.gz
This resulted in a different boot into ubuntu.
It booted to the desktop (with a whole lot of errors in the console before X started).
The curser jumps from the center of the screen to down and left. The desktop and menu are frozen. I tried a USB mouse and that didn't work.
I can Ctrl+Alt+Bkspce out of X and read the errors in the console.
One of the last errors tslib, something to do with the touchscreen. I don't have it booted now and I'll try again later.

It's nice to see people are still posting here, and I may add, I haven't seen any smartphone that has a quality keyboard and all the stuff our Zaurii have.  

Edit: A day later I tried a different Sandisk 2GB SD card, and I also downloaded spitz-root-addition.tar.gz from cortez's site linked in first post, just to be sure I wasn't using a wrong root-addition.
It boots now and no longer hangs up at "waiting for root device /dev/mmcblk0p1"
But the desktop is frozen solid and nothing seems to work. I can ctrl-alt-backspace to exit X.
It looks like my 2nd example above. At least I know I have a good SD card and the correct root-addition.
That's all the further I have gotten so far....
« Last Edit: April 10, 2015, 02:02:04 am by Jon_J »
C3100 Multiboot-->Angstrom 2007.12-r18 | Cacko 1.23 | ArchLinuxARM
C3200 pdaxii13v2-5.5-alpha4 Akita on NAND

Ambicom WL1100C-CF Wifi - Ambicom CF modem - Ambicom CF GPS - Belkin-F5D5050 USB LAN
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Zubuntu 1.0 Rc1 Upgraded To Ubuntu Jaunty 9.04 Armel
« Reply #59 on: April 10, 2015, 12:51:18 pm »
Yay! I got it working. I'm now able to calibrate the touchscreen and stylus input works on my SL-C3100!  
I changed some settings as shown below.
I'm not sure if in all three places these settings were all matched to '1' or one of them was originally set at '2' But I managed to set them all to '1' and that is what got my touchscreen working, and a functional desktop.
at my c1000 its not nessesary to kill tskeys
its sufficient to edit /etc/zaurusd/mach-config-vars and put TSKEYS_DEVICE=/dev/input/event2 instead default value
BerndS: i don't have acces to a 760,
but from command line, does the ts_calibrate program work?
if not:
1) do a grep -i handlers /proc/bus/input/devices
and check the second line starting with a "H: Handlers="
2) then grep TS ~/.profile
this line should have the same event* as the previous command
if it's not the same, nano ~/.profile and change the TSLIB_TSDEVICE line and specify the proper device
3) then logout, login, and run ts_calibrate again
4) if it doesn't work, try editing /etc/ts.conf and uncomment (remove the #) at the line module_raw corgi and run ts_calibrate again
C3100 Multiboot-->Angstrom 2007.12-r18 | Cacko 1.23 | ArchLinuxARM
C3200 pdaxii13v2-5.5-alpha4 Akita on NAND

Ambicom WL1100C-CF Wifi - Ambicom CF modem - Ambicom CF GPS - Belkin-F5D5050 USB LAN
Socket CF Bluetooth rev K - Iogear 4 port USB micro hub - pocket CF card reader
Targus mini USB optical mouse - 2 Targus SD card readers