Is there any easy way to make this "flow" automatic? Perhaps with a termux script? I would like to (semi)automatically convert these to JPG, because doing touchups when the photos are still raw are quite rare requirement for me (e.g. situations where white balance is ridicilously off).
I like OpenCamera's UI and configurability...
I have compiled ufraw-batch for Termux. It is a program to convert RAW images to other image formats, including JPEG. Get it below and save it somewhere under /data/data/com.termux/files/home:[Local copy of it /Varti]
Give storage permissions to Termux in order to access /sdcard (where RAW images are stored): Hit Fn+Del to go to Settings, Apps & notifications, find Termux, Permissions, enable Storage.
Start Termux. You'll need to install some additional libraries:
apt install libexiv2 libtiff libpng libjpeg-turbo bzip2
Decompress ufraw-batch:
bunzip ufraw-batch.bz2
To convert a single RAW image (including cropping out the blackness), do this (and change the image filename, of course):
./ufraw-batch --out-type=jpg --crop-right=2816 --crop-bottom=2108 --exposure=2 /sdcard/Pictures/Raw/IMG_YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS.dng
And, as the name implies, you can also batch convert multiple images:
./ufraw-batch --out-type=jpg --crop-right=2816 --crop-bottom=2108 --exposure=2 /sdcard/Pictures/Raw/*.dng
You can play around with the exposure and other options: look at the output from ./ufraw-batch --help
If you find some combination of settings that works well across all images, please share it with us!