All of us out here are so grateful (and perhaps somewhat envious of your skills) for what you've put together for all of us. I just can't believe how great this new ROM is ! You've really LISTENED to the feedback from us folks and taken your time, effort, and many skills to generate something that improves the Zaurus part of our lives. The front-end of this thing is flat-out gorgeous and the new, improved apps are wonderful. Congrats on the new calculator app, it's awesome. Sharp oughta hire you and pay you the "big bucks" to take this thing of their's worldwide. Something they seem to be incapable of doing.
I'm one of those folk who had lots of concerns about the ability to play videos. Spend a lot of time on planes, trains, and such like, that this has become a principal part of what I use my C-860 for. Your new version of Kino2 is just awesome. Doesn't perfectly play some of my stuff, but my MPG movies are fantastic, and the control you've allowed us is something that other "programmers" can see and just weep at their own inadequacy. I've never been a fan of Kino (preferring tkcVideo) but quite frankly your new Kino2 blows their stuff into the weeds. I just uninstalled tkcVideo for the LAST time.
Synch'd perfectly with my Outlook and email. This is just simply an awesome effort on your part (and those who worked with you, Kudos to them as well !@!). You have once again (not for the first time, and I suspect not for the last), "raised the bar" of the Zaurus community. Don't know rightly what else to say but a rousing Thank You !
If you should ever find your way to the U.S., I expect that there'd be a host of folks, myself included, that would happily put you up and treat you like the toast of the town. Serious about that, if that can happen, please feel free to contact me, or (I expect) damn near anybody else out here. I'd feel like I was hosting a freakin' rock star !
I'm proud to be using the stuff you wrote.