Author Topic: Cacko Rom 1.22 Is Available!  (Read 67365 times)


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Cacko Rom 1.22 Is Available!
« Reply #30 on: January 02, 2005, 03:18:10 pm »
Same problems as a bunch of other folks have re: wireless connectivity.  I've got a D-Link DCF-660W.  Originally it came up recognized as a Zcomax, but I used pelrun's hints and commented out the Zcomax stuff.  Now it recognizes the card as a D-Link DRC-660.  Editing hostap_cs.conf show that this should be the proper card (I think ?) as it references the DCF-660W.  Lights come on and it appears to attempt to make the connection, but fails every time.

My wireless lan does not use WEP or MAC authentication, and I do broadcast my SSID.  Very very generic (I live way out in the sticks so security isn't much of an issue, cows don't have computers......yet).

Gorgeous new ROM though Maslovsky, much improved in every way.  Welll, except for this "minor" issue though.  Kino2 is waaaay cool and the icon work you did is awesome.  Thanks for the great New Year's present.


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« Reply #31 on: January 02, 2005, 03:39:46 pm »
I have the following problem: I don't see the Unicode input method. Install only left me with CyrKbd and Handwriting.

What is wrong?
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Militäroberarzt Bautze


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« Reply #32 on: January 02, 2005, 04:57:21 pm »
I'll get back to you guys with more detailed answers later from my PC. Right now just a few follow ups for most important issues:

  - Network conectivity. First thing is to make sure your card is recognized properly. Like I already mentioned - check entry for your card in /etc/pcmcia/hostap_cs.conf file. You can remove entries for all other cards so they don't get in your way. Also remember that you need to restart pcmcia after editing config file (/etc/rc.d/init.d/pcmcia restart).  Also make sure to turn off autoconnection in Network Settings. And finaly try to type iwconfig in console when card is trying to connect - for some strange reason it helps with some cards...

 - Backup/restore. Do NOT use backup/restore application between different ROM versions - you'll most likely get your Z in unstable state. My recommendation to restore your PIM data is using synchronization with PC. This is most reliable method. However if you don't have that option, you can just save /home/zaurus folder and then restore it. The best is to restore that directory outside of Qtopia so that fastloaded applications can reread their data when Qtopia restarts.

 - Small icons for magnified mode. I'm surprised anyone is still using it  Small icons have been removed from the ROM to save space. We'll create a package with removed icons and put it into Cacko feed. Please, wait a couple of days.
« Last Edit: January 02, 2005, 05:00:31 pm by maslovsky »


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Cacko Rom 1.22 Is Available!
« Reply #33 on: January 02, 2005, 05:16:24 pm »
I've said it before, and proudly say it again..... You're A Freakin' Genius !!!!

Turned off the autoconnect check box and wireless card fired up and worked like a charm.  I'm a bit embarassed, I should've tried that myself.

Now I can just kick back and really enjoy looking over all this great stuff you've provided us with.  Thanks so much.


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Cacko Rom 1.22 Is Available!
« Reply #34 on: January 02, 2005, 06:02:35 pm »
the new rom seems great  (from what I can say after testing it for a few hours)  

After changing the hostap_cs.conf my SanDisk Wlan card works fine. I had to change
the entry for for the "SanDisk Wireless LAN Card" to

version "SanDisk Corporation", "Wireless LAN CARD", ""
(D instead of d)

Now only my Navilock GPS CF card makes trouble.... (the card worked fine under v 1.21b).
I installed qpegps_0.9.2.2_maps_arm  and added a default serial card in /etc/pcmcia/serial.conf using serial_cs.o (as the GPS card was recogniced as a kind of bluetooth card). The card is now recogniced and dmesg shows me:

ttyS03 at port 0xf6000400 (irq = 39) is at 16C950/954

- is ttyS03 correct? (i thought this should be ttyS3) Do I have to create a device for ttyS03?

In any case the card is not found by the gpsd ...(not for /dev/ttyS3)

Have fun, Georg
« Last Edit: January 02, 2005, 06:04:05 pm by Hakkikkt »


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« Reply #35 on: January 02, 2005, 06:18:57 pm »
Hi ... I'm the very user that uczmeg mentioned earlier having problems connecting WiFi with the new ROM - worked with 1.21 although I discovered that he modified wlan-ng.conf before shipping it to me.

After reading this thread, I turned off the "autoconnect" option and all works fine now.

However, can you tell me why this is the case? Before I unchecked this, the card was recognised as "Zonet ZCF1100" and whilst connecting, the LED flashed a few times but always failed. In 1.21, it connected with the autoconnect selected.

Anyway, liking the new ROM ... now that my WiFi is working, time to download some stuff  

| SL-C3200 | Cacko 1.23 |
| D-Link Air DCF-660W CF WiFi | TrendNet TE-CF100 Ethernet | Belkin F8T020 CF-II Bluetooth |
| SanDisk Ultra II 1.0GB SD |

One of the founding members of Kum-a-lot International Drinking and Diving Association ;-)


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Cacko Rom 1.22 Is Available!
« Reply #36 on: January 02, 2005, 08:39:55 pm »
I must say, I love this new ROM!  The only thing I'm having a problem with now is getting bluetooth to work.  I had it working before with the TKC ROM, but can't seem to get it working with this one.  I've read through the bluetooth howto but still haven't had any luck.  I know my zaurus can see my phone (sbdtool browse works) and I've even tried using dund -c <mac> with no luck.  I just can't seem to connect with my phone to get online.  Anyone have any thoughts or suggestions??



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« Reply #37 on: January 02, 2005, 09:14:28 pm »
I'll get back to you guys with more detailed answers later from my PC. Right now just a few follow ups for most important issues:

  - Network conectivity. First thing is to make sure your card is recognized properly. Like I already mentioned - check entry for your card in /etc/pcmcia/hostap_cs.conf file. You can remove entries for all other cards so they don't get in your way. Also remember that you need to restart pcmcia after editing config file (/etc/rc.d/init.d/pcmcia restart).  Also make sure to turn off autoconnection in Network Settings. And finaly try to type iwconfig in console when card is trying to connect - for some strange reason it helps with some cards...

 - Backup/restore. Do NOT use backup/restore application between different ROM versions - you'll most likely get your Z in unstable state. My recommendation to restore your PIM data is using synchronization with PC. This is most reliable method. However if you don't have that option, you can just save /home/zaurus folder and then restore it. The best is to restore that directory outside of Qtopia so that fastloaded applications can reread their data when Qtopia restarts.

 - Small icons for magnified mode. I'm surprised anyone is still using it  Small icons have been removed from the ROM to save space. We'll create a package with removed icons and put it into Cacko feed. Please, wait a couple of days.
Thanks Maslovsky, this is a Great Rom!!!  I definitely don't mind the few tweaks required to get everything working just right in order to have my Z be the leading edge handheld you have helped it to be.

Anyone .... where is it (in the backup file from the "Backup/Restore" program) and how do I extract the file that contains my Sharp Adressbook file.
SL-C760, Cacko Rom 1.21b


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« Reply #38 on: January 03, 2005, 12:31:33 am »
Here's a note for those who are just backing up DTM data (PIM data) to transfer:  In the old ROM, the data files are saved all lowercase.  In the new ROM, they're all uppercase.  So simply change the case to uppercase on the backed up files you copy into /home/zaurus/Applications/dtm, and you should be good to go (note that you have to reboot before seeing the data... at least i did).

I have the same DLINK/Zcomax error... will try commenting out other entries now and see what happens.

Update:  It worked... i'm online now... sweet!  Also realized that it may be that the case doesn't matter anyway since these could easily be stored on a FAT16-formatted card.  I didn't try rebooting before fixing the case thing, so perhaps it wasn't necessary, but try it if you're having trouble.

Thanks so much for your work on this.  I find it unbelievable that a few people hacking in their off time can put together a reworked system like this in any amount of time.
« Last Edit: January 03, 2005, 02:17:25 pm by Flandry »


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« Reply #39 on: January 03, 2005, 01:03:26 am »
Just wondering two things:

1) Does this work with 6000L?  (I know it uses the 6000L version ofr Opera) but will it run on 6000L

2) For a given unit (C860 or whatever)....Will doing a "Backup", then "Flash new ROM", then "RESTORE" work?  Or is there more to it?

I mean, do I have to worry about backup missing files or grabbing bits of the old OS  when I restore?


BTW.  The list is impressive....what is left for version 1.3    

Also, was wondering if the auto-off-on-clamshell-close was made as an option?  

Thanks !!!!!
« Last Edit: January 03, 2005, 01:13:37 am by Omicron »
"You Shall Not Pass"    
....Gandalf, Lord Of The Rings
C-860 (Cacko), 3x4gb MD  
DLINK 660W, 1GB SD,  
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Cacko Rom 1.22 Is Available!
« Reply #40 on: January 03, 2005, 01:12:02 am »

All of us out here are so grateful (and perhaps somewhat envious of your skills) for what you've put together for all of us.  I just can't believe how great this new ROM is !  You've really LISTENED to the feedback from us folks and taken your time, effort, and many skills to generate something that improves the Zaurus part of our lives.  The front-end of this thing is flat-out gorgeous and the new, improved apps are wonderful.  Congrats on the new calculator app, it's awesome.  Sharp oughta hire you and pay you the "big bucks" to take this thing of their's worldwide.  Something they seem to be incapable of doing.

I'm one of those folk who had lots of concerns about the ability to play videos.  Spend a lot of time on planes, trains, and such like, that this has become a principal part of what I use my C-860 for.  Your new version of Kino2 is just awesome.  Doesn't perfectly play some of my stuff, but my MPG movies are fantastic, and the control you've allowed us is something that other "programmers" can see and just weep at their own inadequacy.  I've never been a fan of Kino (preferring tkcVideo) but quite frankly your new Kino2 blows their stuff into the weeds.  I just uninstalled tkcVideo for the LAST time.

Synch'd perfectly with my Outlook and email.  This is just simply an awesome effort on your part (and those who worked with you, Kudos to them as well !@!).  You have once again (not for the first time, and I suspect not for the last), "raised the bar" of the Zaurus community.  Don't know rightly what else to say but a rousing Thank You !

If you should ever find your way to the U.S., I expect that there'd be a host of folks, myself included, that would happily put you up and treat you like the toast of the town.  Serious about that, if that can happen, please feel free to contact me, or (I expect) damn near anybody else out here.  I'd feel like I was hosting a freakin' rock star !

I'm proud to be using the stuff you wrote.


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Cacko Rom 1.22 Is Available!
« Reply #41 on: January 03, 2005, 01:15:58 am »
Well said yodabob, I couldn't say it any better, so I won't try.
"You Shall Not Pass"    
....Gandalf, Lord Of The Rings
C-860 (Cacko), 3x4gb MD  
DLINK 660W, 1GB SD,  
Upgraded Archos AV320 w/80GB HDD
Pocketop and Targus IR keyboards
Favorite Deal Site: (pretty cool, good deals daily on one page)


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Cacko Rom 1.22 Is Available!
« Reply #42 on: January 03, 2005, 05:19:26 am »
  • I can't launch zsh anymore, it gives this error:
Code: [Select]
zsh: error while loading shared libraries: zsh: undefined symbol: __umodsi3

    I had the same error running fd clone.

    To fix it I found out you have to first type:
    Code: [Select]
    export LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/
    After this the application will run normally.

    Now I only have the problem that I can't see the UniKeyboard input method. I checked and the files are all there. So why doesn't the input method show among the others.

    Can anyone help me? Does anyone see the UniKeyboard in their input methods?
    [span style=\'font-size:8pt;line-height:100%\']Das ganze tschechische Volk ist eine Simulantenbande.[/font][/span]
    Militäroberarzt Bautze


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    Cacko Rom 1.22 Is Available!
    « Reply #43 on: January 03, 2005, 05:32:44 am »
    I wait for the light version to boost my C750..
    For the icons, i prefer Nuvola pack  :
    \"Beaune Avaux\" wine addict


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    Cacko Rom 1.22 Is Available!
    « Reply #44 on: January 03, 2005, 10:11:25 am »

    after some testing nearly everythink works fine, but I have two problems remaining:

    1. My favourite editor joe doesn't work any more. I think the problem is ncurses. May be the new version of libncurses isn't  compatible or I broke it when installing other packages. The error message is: error while loading shared libraries: joe: undefined symbol: __udivsi3.

    2. PDF2 installs fine, but doesn't come up any more.

    Any ideas?


    SL-860, SMC2642-Wireless-LAN, Nokia-BT-card, SD- & CF-cards