i've got to report a weird thing.
While trying to tweak Kino2 preferences, the screen literally freezes. The Menu-Item "Preferences" is highlighted and stays that way, no matter what i try.
Ko/pi, wich is bound to calendar hard key, seems to start up. At least it's icon appears in the taskbar, but there seem to be no way to get it in Front. Apparently the only response to screen-taps is, that backlight brightens up.
This situation turned up twice now, so it seems to be reproducable, yet unpredictable. I don't think, that any specific settings are responsible, but it only happend, when subsequently altering different settings after respective trial.
Up to now, i couldn't find a way around reboot, is there any?
Apart from that, i'm really happy with 1.22. Even my BT-Card was instantly recocgnized and works like a charm.
Thanks a lot.
Greetz j.