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Messages - undrwater

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6000 - Tosa / Power On Issue With Sl-6000
« on: July 23, 2010, 12:33:17 am »
Quote from: cycojesus
Quote from: undrwater
There's some Tosa love still in the universe!  There are some OE people working on the Tosa kernel...slowly but surely.  If the kernel gets stabilized, we can expect to run a modern OS (Android, Linux / Enlightenment, Zubuntu, etc...) on the Tosa.  

Where did you get that copy of the ROM?  I'm not sure if that's the one provided by Sharp or not.
I have a Zubuntu running.
Once I successfully booted Angstrom after following but I have little interest in it.
I have an old OpenZaurus (kernel 2.4) in flash that I use daily as an ebook reader.
And when I have time I (slowly) polish my armedslack installation (see )

Does your zubuntu include sound and wifi?  If so, how did you go about installing and fixing the USB problem?

6000 - Tosa / Power On Issue With Sl-6000
« on: July 12, 2010, 07:26:23 pm »
There's some Tosa love still in the universe!  There are some OE people working on the Tosa kernel...slowly but surely.  If the kernel gets stabilized, we can expect to run a modern OS (Android, Linux / Enlightenment, Zubuntu, etc...) on the Tosa.  

Where did you get that copy of the ROM?  I'm not sure if that's the one provided by Sharp or not.

Nokia Tablet / N900 Anyone?
« on: May 03, 2010, 12:01:26 am »
Quote from: xamindar
I was looking at this and would have got it but I started reading that it doesn't have usb host. They slashed hundreds of possibilities with the removal of that one feature.

Agreed.  Plus limited or no 3g for networks such as AT&T.

There are a few other "open" phones being advertised as "coming up", but I'm really in a position to need 3g now.  OpenMoko won't cut it.  Problem is, AT&T's linux phone scene is pretty anemic ATM.

Nokia Tablet / N900 Anyone?
« on: March 12, 2010, 12:11:55 am »
I nearly jumped about a month ago, but heard something that made me hold back.  It had been advertised with USB host, but folks on #maemo say it's not working, and may not work without a powered hub.  My Tosa has spoiled me, and now all my linux devices must have a working USB host!

So...I'm holding onto the Freerunner for the moment...hoping for something else more interesting to come along.

6000 - Tosa / Current Status Of Tosa In Feb 2010
« on: February 28, 2010, 02:39:36 am »
Quote from: cycojesus
Recently I've slowly started to setup Armedslack on my tosa, on-going effort can be seen @ ArmedZed on github.

For now I have a booting and functional kernel config, correct keymaps for console and Xmodmap, packaging for tslib, zaurusd and some others minor software. ts_calibrate is working, X is working.
Which kernel?

At this moment I'm facing 2 major issues :
  • touchscreen under X is behaving strangely (mirrored horizontaly and vertically)
  • the xmodmap doesn't seem to load under X (tested working in Zubuntu)
have you tried dropping Angstrom's tslibs in place of the ones you compiled?

My short-term goal is to use it with FBReader (got a package for it already working).
Long term goals?  I've got a CF GSM card for data and voice that I'd like to get working...   FBReader would be great tho!

Did you attempt to get sound or wifi working?

6000 - Tosa / Current Status Of Tosa In Feb 2010
« on: February 26, 2010, 11:30:51 pm »
You said networking can be used via the CF slot.  Any luck getting the prism2usb working?  I think there are one or two people working sporadically on the Tosa kernel, but it doesn't get much love.  

For usable web browser, I've used e17 / illume with fennec or midori.  Both load and respond acceptably.  

I tried zubuntu as well for a while.  I figured out how to get the screen rotated into protrait by default.  Once I used the base angstrom system then copied the rest of the rootfs from zubuntu over.  That worked pretty well.  All the same problems with the keymapping.  That's why I've liked provides a nice software keyboard.

Latest problems I've had (couple of months ago),  are the loading of kernel modules...none seem to get loaded, so I've got no sound, and of course no wifi.

For questions about kernel stuff, you can ping Jay7 on #oe (freenode irc).

Do you have the latest english sharp nand btw?  It's a rare commodity around here these days.

New products and alternatives / Lonmid - A True Zaurus?
« on: January 24, 2010, 01:15:54 am »
Quote from: speculatrix

this thing looks like a slightly bigger brother to the Z but with the latest hardware

Looks good.  Like the look of the 10" tablet too.

Hardware Mods / 6000 Backup Battery Whining & Complaining
« on: December 31, 2009, 02:10:00 am »
Quote from: the_oak
OK. Enough badgering by you curious folks! The backup battery was fixed by replacing the external battery. It seems that it developed a problem that it would not pass a charge to the internal backup battery. After changing the external battery, all is well!

What was your source for the battery?  These are hard to it's good to post your source.

General Discussion / Motorola Droid
« on: December 01, 2009, 03:52:12 pm »
Apparently Palm's webOS is much more open than Android.  The source for Android's app store is closed, so it makes installing new stuff a bit more of a chore.  There is no ssh (ADB is required and I believe more restrictive).  

Keep an eye out for Nokia N900...really good hardware running Maemo.  They advertise openness...but who knows.

I'm also on ATT in the US, so I've got my eyes open.  In the meantime, I play with my Openmoko FreeRunner.

6000 - Tosa / Zubuntu On Tosa
« on: November 10, 2009, 10:56:36 pm »
Quote from: cortez
Try executing depmod -a and see if this works for loading modules

Can't find the "-".  I'll make a script that does it by mounting the SD card on my pc.  Is there a simple way of changing the keymapping?  It's really ugly.  Currently Angstrom's Opie is the best.

6000 - Tosa / Zubuntu On Tosa
« on: October 30, 2009, 05:45:27 pm »
Apparently prism2_usb is completely broken in .31, and may not be fixed soon.  The Tosa's internal wifi does use prism2_usb, correct?

I noticed that no modules are getting loaded either.  Not sure why.

6000 - Tosa / Zubuntu On Tosa
« on: October 26, 2009, 11:35:53 pm »
prism2_usb is in the 'staging' area.  I'm no dev, so I'm not sure what it means.  If someone can compile prism2_usb for 2.6.29 I'd appreciate it.  Also got a reply from the Angstrom ML...things may be looking up for the tosa (I'm skeptically hopeful).

6000 - Tosa / Zubuntu On Tosa
« on: October 26, 2009, 12:19:58 am »
It's working!!  Using Angstrom's kernel and modules I got zubuntu to load up, backlight is on, and so is the touch screen.  I don't have access to the buttons yet, keyboard mapping is strange, haven't tested wifi yet, but it "feels" pretty stable.

I'm a tad worried about wifi.  Since angstrom moved to narcissus, the build of the prism2_usb module has been failing.  If anyone has clues to this, I'd be greatful (the ML is not responsive since I think one person is working on Tosa kernel).

Anyway, got a smile tonight.

Android / Android T Mobile Phone Convert
« on: October 23, 2009, 12:29:29 am »
I've got the FreeRunner.  Way less read for prime time, but more open.  Koolu had started developing android for the freerunner, but dropped it.  There are a couple of guys attempting to pick it up, and find an open way of allowing 3rd party apps to be installed.

Ive got an upgrade coming in Feb.  If Android or WebOS are available then for ATT I'll take a look.

PS: And I remember.  Using some of your themeing stuff for the freerunner.  Thanks again!

General Discussion / Renaming The Forum
« on: October 17, 2009, 12:51:50 am »
zaurus and friends

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