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Messages - cortez

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6000 - Tosa / Angstrom Status On Tosa
« on: July 16, 2009, 10:12:32 am »
A bigger update and a request for help to all off you can be found on my blog here.

6000 - Tosa / Angstrom Status On Tosa
« on: July 15, 2009, 12:31:32 pm »
Another small update: somehow the 2.6.31 kernel still doesn't work, so I tried 2.6.29. I now have Zubuntu working... at least partly. Fonts are displayed scrambled, and touchscreen doesn't seem to work. So a beginning is made, but there's still work to do.

6000 - Tosa / Angstrom Status On Tosa
« on: July 15, 2009, 02:06:30 am »
Small update: the multiboot kernel is working, but starting the 2.6.31-rc3 kernel results in a black screen on startup. I'll check the kernel configuration again later to see if I mis-configured something, and give it another try.

6000 - Tosa / Angstrom Status On Tosa
« on: July 13, 2009, 04:43:48 pm »
Kernel development is still actively done, and can be followed on the linux-arm-kernel mailing list.
I'll try to build 2.6.31 for Tosa tomorrow... promise made!
My Tosa has been sitting in the drawer for much too long. let's see how this works out  


Quote from: undrwater
I asked on the mailing list, but didn't get a reply so I thought I'd ask here.

All of the 2008.x images in the autobuild dir are gone, and only kexec images are there.  I have used the narcissus images in the past successfully to boot Angstrom with either Opie or x11 for Tosa (via SD w/ kexec kernel).  Lately the images have not been completing the configuration of kernel modules.  In particular, kernel-module-zlib-inflate gets stuck (can't get past it - Tosa requires a reset).

I'm curious if anyone is still doing kernel dev for the tosa (it was lumaq {letic?}).  Is there any way to follow development if it is still going on?  I love the device, and I'd love to continue using it if I can.


Russell Dwiggins

Ubuntu / Running Zubuntu On Akita Without A Battery
« on: June 26, 2009, 02:59:58 am »
It is absolutely possible to run the Zaurus using the power adaptor only, so without having the battery in place. I've tried this long ago with my SL-C750 (RIP) using pdaXrom, but I'm sure other models and other distros (like Zubuntu) should work also. The effect you described (in the other thread) of Cacko shutting down is software controlled, and could be disabled if you know where to look (and no, I don't know where to look )


General Discussion / Palm Pre Hacked, Possible Port?
« on: June 13, 2009, 06:50:01 pm »
Interesting stuff, but the OMAP34xx processor which the Pre uses prevents us from using it on the Zaurus.
I tried (you never know) but the code dies with an "Illegal instruction"

Ubuntu / Stupid Question But
« on: June 08, 2009, 01:15:11 am »
Maybe a new oncoming Zubuntu release could help you out, since mplayer is available in the Jaunty and Karmic repositories.
In general, from the Jaunty version up (almost) all packages that are available for your (i386) desktop should work on the zaurus as well.
Of course don't try to run something like Evolution... it won't be any fun  

For the more zaurus specific packages we could start a new repository of course.


Netherlands / Kan Iemand Mij Helpen Met Sl-c1000
« on: June 08, 2009, 12:56:07 am »
Quote from: RX Shorty
Aangezien er na die maanden nog niets gepost is:

Wat wil je er mee doen?
Hmm, weinig kans dat dit nog zin heeft.
M-FloW Last Seen: 15th January 2008 - 07:08 PM
Maar goed, wie weet  

For Sale / Wanted / [sold] Sl-c760 Or Sl-c860 For Sale
« on: June 07, 2009, 04:52:10 am »
Quote from: RX Shorty
150 EURO for the C860
I can pick it up as I live in the Netherlands
Maybe Chero is interested in a GP2X Wiz, since you seem to sell them for exactly that price

Android / Android Possible On Sl-6000
« on: May 27, 2009, 04:58:17 pm »
Quote from: AsLan^
Thank you for clarifying the NAND backup procedure.

Quote from: cortez
The version you took from my blog actually is the M5-RC15 release, which was the last "early-look" version before version 1.0 was released. The fact that you see the "oscillating cylon eye" indicates that you've setup everything correctly. The reason Android doesn't boot is because you're kernel doesn't contain the Android Binder device driver.

Add the driver, rebuild and flash the kernel and you're all set. Sounds easy, but I know it's not

It's good to hear that it's setup properly so far

Regarding rebuilding the kernel etc. does this mean I will have to set up bitbake? (I don't think Poky Linux has a build for the tosa).

Also, how do I go about getting the newer version of Android, is it just a matter of downloading the Android SDK and locating the tar.gz file? (getting ahead of myself )
Setting up bitbake (Poky or OpenEmbedded) is a good and quick option to get a working build environment. You could tweak one of the provided kernel packages easily to build a kernel for the tosa, even with the latest 2.6.30 sources. The latest kernel should work using stock sources without the need for patches.

To get the latest Android version you could rip the file system from the emulator (as I did with the pre-releases) or rebuild it from source (as described here)

Android / Android Possible On Sl-6000
« on: May 27, 2009, 10:33:03 am »
Quote from: AsLan^
Quote from: speculatrix
finally, use the D+M boot option to take a rom snapshop and publish

I'm afraid I also don't know how to specify any boot options. I'm not running any kind of boot manager.

By "D+M boot option" speculatrix means the NAND Backup option in the Diagnostic (ROM) menu. To get there, use D+P+Reset, you will hear a beep and a graphical menu is shown. Scroll right with the D-pad until you are on page 4/4 and then there will be two options for NAND Backup, and NAND Restore.

The version you took from my blog actually is the M5-RC15 release, which was the last "early-look" version before version 1.0 was released. The fact that you see the "oscillating cylon eye" indicates that you've setup everything correctly. The reason Android doesn't boot is because you're kernel doesn't contain the Android Binder device driver.

Add the driver, rebuild and flash the kernel and you're all set. Sounds easy, but I know it's not

Ubuntu / Installing Drivers On Zubuntu
« on: May 13, 2009, 03:39:33 pm »
Don't buy another card (yet). Symbol Spectrum24 Trilogy PCMCIA card support is included in the latest 2.6.30-rc4 kernel. Downloads are here. Copy the kernel into the /boot directory and extract the kernel modules as well.

Let me know if it works  

Ubuntu / Zubuntu And Sl-c1000
« on: May 12, 2009, 06:54:34 am »
I think 16Gb SDHC is reported to work. Just make sure you don't go for cheap, since cheap is synonym for slow!
Personally, I haven't crossed the 4Gb barrier... yet  

Ubuntu / Zubuntu And Sl-c1000
« on: May 11, 2009, 02:43:46 pm »
The problem you're facing generally is caused by error(s) in the file system that need to be fixed. Since fsck isn't able to fix problems on a mounted partition, try to fix it using a card reader on a different (desktop) linux system. This should fix your problems most certainly.

Ubuntu / Ubuntu Jaunty / Zubuntu Alternative Kernels?
« on: April 27, 2009, 02:50:07 am »
@ofels: There might be some minor differences between the akita and spitz, but I think support for both devices is compiled in
@jeana: I'll try that later. For now flash the multiboot kernel (details here) and setup a partition on SD/CF and copy the kernel into the /boot directory. This way size don't matter.
@adf: Try 'export TSLIB_TSDEVICE=/dev/input/event1' before starting the gui, that should help ;-)

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