Author Topic: Zubuntu 1.0 Rc1  (Read 102016 times)


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Zubuntu 1.0 Rc1
« Reply #60 on: December 30, 2008, 11:49:13 pm »
I'd try removing the pid file and trying again, and maybe also killing dhclient (killall dhclient).

If that still doesn't work, I've had issues with usb0 making dhclient fail for wlan0 for some reason (that wouldn't be the error here, but it might pop up afterwards).

SL-C750- pdaXrom beta 1 (mostly unused)
Current distro: Gentoo


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Zubuntu 1.0 Rc1
« Reply #61 on: December 31, 2008, 12:40:05 am »
@jon_j: I have the same card and had the same problem: here I what I did to get it work.

1. get the modules which work: Orinoco does the job, while hostap/hermes don't, so add the following lines to /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist:
blacklist hostap_cs
blacklist hostap
backlist hermes

2. If you don't reboot, unload hostap with rmmod

3. next time you put your card in it should be attributed eth0, so set it up in /etc/network/interfaces

4. to avoid the problem with dhcp, set it up with static ip: for example

iface eth0 inet static

5. ifup eth0

6. if it still doesn't work, check that /etc/resolv.conf points to your router's ip. For example:

Hope this helps
« Last Edit: December 31, 2008, 12:40:49 am by matthis »


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« Reply #62 on: December 31, 2008, 12:41:44 am »
Mine is a Pretec wifi cf and works when dual boot to Debian (up as eth1). In Zubuntu, the card is recognized as wlan0 so I tried editing /etc/network/interface & /etc/resolv.conf directly (all static settings) as in Debian but with no luck. Card keeps blinking.

Time to work and will test later.
« Last Edit: December 31, 2008, 12:43:27 am by Fatty »
C1000 - Empty, waiting for Sharp ROM.
C3100 - dualbooting Andromeda Debian from 2or0 and Zubuntu 2.0 from Cortez
iPhone 3G.
Kohjinsha - Win 7


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Zubuntu 1.0 Rc1
« Reply #63 on: December 31, 2008, 03:17:06 am »
There is also another problem on the /dev/shm as well.
[initscripts: BOOT FAILURE: can't fsck /dev/shm/root because /dev/shm is mounted nodev]

However, I have searched the Debian bug fixed site and found out the following work-around:-

attached is my modified /etc/init.d/ aligned to the suggestions raised in that URL
« Last Edit: December 31, 2008, 03:17:44 am by dinorex »
Dinorex corner: -
Zauri SL-C3100 (1 black & 1 grey)
black - Qtopia / Cacko (for notes taking in meetings) :)
grey - ROM wild tester....


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Zubuntu 1.0 Rc1
« Reply #64 on: December 31, 2008, 06:53:37 am »
I've removed wicd at some point. You can try to get (wireless) network going by re-installing wicd. It is untested, but it may be worth a try

[div align=\"center\"]== == == == == == == == == == == == == ==
Zaurus SL-C750 - Died in a dreadful coffee experiment, has a second life somewhere in the Czech Republic
Zaurus SL-C1000 - Multiboot Zubuntu, Debian, Fedora, Poky, Android and others
Zaurus SL-C3100 - Development device, currently Zubuntu 2.0
Zaurus SL-6000L - The fridge is running Zubuntu 1.0
Zaurus SL-C860 - Cacko, untouched since kindly donated, waiting for Zubuntu
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Zubuntu 1.0 Rc1
« Reply #65 on: December 31, 2008, 07:01:49 am »
Quote from: Fatty
Quote from: dinorex
i have tried this using my 3100, but i found the following traps

a/ the boot menu options are different: it has no (Internal Flash Experiment) option, only the CF option is displayed (the internal CF)

b/ when i choose this option the kernel was trapped by saying "Warning: unable to open an initial console".

it seems like there should be a step on flashing the Internal installation on the Zubuntu. Please advise for any extra steps involved. Thz.

a. The internal version is only experimental. The method provided by Cortez at the moment install the distro in SD only. In fact, afaik, the multiboot kernel will search any valid partition (SD, CF, internal HDD or even internal mem block) with valid boot image/kernel command/description within /boot. So it is only up to you where to place the distros.

b. For the initial console issue as well as rtc one could be solved as advised by suggested in Cortez's blog:

Booting in the emergency system, mounting the zubuntu root file system, changing to /dev and there doing:
Code: [Select]
mknod -m 660 console c 5 1
mknod -m 660 null c 1 3
mknod -m 660 rtc c 10 135

I have the zubuntu system on a 4G SD card, but the big SD card cannot be detected in the emergency system.  


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« Reply #66 on: December 31, 2008, 07:17:37 am »
@lineager: Why not make a small partition on this 4Gb card and install a small console image in it. Works great as an emergency solution! When you add the nand utilities you're even able to flash the NAND partitions from there.

By the way, people reporting that detection of the NAND partitions takes extremely long during booting, try erasing or re-flashing the NAND, this solves this problem.
« Last Edit: December 31, 2008, 07:18:48 am by cortez »
[div align=\"center\"]== == == == == == == == == == == == == ==
Zaurus SL-C750 - Died in a dreadful coffee experiment, has a second life somewhere in the Czech Republic
Zaurus SL-C1000 - Multiboot Zubuntu, Debian, Fedora, Poky, Android and others
Zaurus SL-C3100 - Development device, currently Zubuntu 2.0
Zaurus SL-6000L - The fridge is running Zubuntu 1.0
Zaurus SL-C860 - Cacko, untouched since kindly donated, waiting for Zubuntu
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Zubuntu 1.0 Rc1
« Reply #67 on: December 31, 2008, 09:30:23 am »
I'm not going to go with matthis's suggestion to use orinoco and blacklist hostap.
Every thread I have seen regarding orinco vs. hostap suggests using hostap with wifi cards with prism2 chipset and newer firmware.
This card works with hostap and wpa/wpasupplicant in Cacko, pdaxii13, and (angstrom GPE and opie)

I now have a question. How can I force apt-get to find a local package?
I copied wicd_1.5.2_1_all.deb to my cf card. Card is mounted.
apt-get /media/cf/wicd_1.5.2_1_all.deb
E: Couldn't find package wicd_1.5.2_1_all.deb

So I cd to /media/cf and tried both:
apt-get /media/cf/wicd_1.5.2_1_all.deb
apt-get wicd_1.5.2_1_all.deb
Same error as above. There must be a way to force apt-get to "see" a package that is in the same directory.
I also tried apt-get wicd
Thank you
« Last Edit: December 31, 2008, 09:33:27 am by Jon_J »
C3100 Multiboot-->Angstrom 2007.12-r18 | Cacko 1.23 | ArchLinuxARM
C3200 pdaxii13v2-5.5-alpha4 Akita on NAND

Ambicom WL1100C-CF Wifi - Ambicom CF modem - Ambicom CF GPS - Belkin-F5D5050 USB LAN
Socket CF Bluetooth rev K - Iogear 4 port USB micro hub - pocket CF card reader
Targus mini USB optical mouse - 2 Targus SD card readers


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Zubuntu 1.0 Rc1
« Reply #68 on: December 31, 2008, 09:43:47 am »
You could use dpkg -i instead.


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Zubuntu 1.0 Rc1
« Reply #69 on: December 31, 2008, 10:19:11 am »
Quote from: klaxon
You could use dpkg -i instead.
Thanks, that worked.  I was searching the ubuntu forums for apt-get and local packages, with no results.

Unfortunately I'm now dpkg -r wicd, as it locks up and doesn't respond when I try to set up it's preferences.

cortez, I don't think wicd is ready for installation. It seems to be too heavy and auto-loads into the tray.
When I launch it, it takes awhile to load and goes into "not responding" mode, if it doesn't display "not responding" and I select preferences, the following dialog goes into "not responding" mode and I have to close it. That's why I uninstalled it.
« Last Edit: December 31, 2008, 10:20:47 am by Jon_J »
C3100 Multiboot-->Angstrom 2007.12-r18 | Cacko 1.23 | ArchLinuxARM
C3200 pdaxii13v2-5.5-alpha4 Akita on NAND

Ambicom WL1100C-CF Wifi - Ambicom CF modem - Ambicom CF GPS - Belkin-F5D5050 USB LAN
Socket CF Bluetooth rev K - Iogear 4 port USB micro hub - pocket CF card reader
Targus mini USB optical mouse - 2 Targus SD card readers


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Zubuntu 1.0 Rc1
« Reply #70 on: December 31, 2008, 11:34:24 am »
Quote from: dinorex
There is also another problem on the /dev/shm as well.
[initscripts: BOOT FAILURE: can't fsck /dev/shm/root because /dev/shm is mounted nodev]

However, I have searched the Debian bug fixed site and found out the following work-around:-

attached is my modified /etc/init.d/ aligned to the suggestions raised in that URL
I tried this and it seems to work so far.  I just renamed /etc/init.d/ to then copied your to /etc/init.d/

I was previously having problems with my card being unmounted improperly. I boot angstrom, then kexec to cacko from within angstrom. I think somewhere in these boot processes, the card is unmounted wrongly.
Many times, booting zubuntu gives me an error about filesystem being unmounted uncleanly.
Then fsck starts automatically, but previously, many times it failed and either auto-rebooted, or sent me to a maintenance console to perform a manual fsck.
C3100 Multiboot-->Angstrom 2007.12-r18 | Cacko 1.23 | ArchLinuxARM
C3200 pdaxii13v2-5.5-alpha4 Akita on NAND

Ambicom WL1100C-CF Wifi - Ambicom CF modem - Ambicom CF GPS - Belkin-F5D5050 USB LAN
Socket CF Bluetooth rev K - Iogear 4 port USB micro hub - pocket CF card reader
Targus mini USB optical mouse - 2 Targus SD card readers


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Zubuntu 1.0 Rc1
« Reply #71 on: January 01, 2009, 02:43:51 pm »
Great work. as soon as some clarification on installing to flash is available count me in. Also, i think it would be interesting to test the netbook remix interface on the zaurus seems like a good fit until some headway is made on the UbuntuMID platform. Im using the remix right now as a matter of fact, on a dell mini 9.

edit: if time avails are there any differences between the installation procedure for a multi-boot set-up and a single boot that i should be aware of? personally, i would like to commit to one distro. threesomes are not my thing, after all you can only boot one at a time.
« Last Edit: January 01, 2009, 02:47:52 pm by Matthewmongan »


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« Reply #72 on: January 01, 2009, 06:16:50 pm »
I've now re-flashed my C3000 with Angstrom plus the multi-boot kernel. Zubuntu now boots fine from my SD card, I'll check out getting Angstrom working shortly, but first, I"ve been itching to see Zubuntu in action.

Cortez. this is a stunning piece of work, my warmest congratulations to you! Seriously, it is exactly what the Z has waiting for! It seems to be very fast and responsive, and (important for me) easy to adjust the fonts to make it easy on the eyes on such a small screen.

Unfortunately, I've also hit the same issues as others on this thread regarding access to CF devices. For reference, the cards I've got availale for testing are as follows and I cant get anthing out of any of them. I managed to get yonggun debian working by manually configuring /etc/network/interfaces but nothing seems to work here.

3 wifi cards:
Symbol Spectrum24
Netgear MA701
Ambicom WL1100C

Socket Bluetooth rev F

Planex 10baseT

Plus various sizes of CF memory carsds which I cant seem to mount.
C3000 running OpenBSD 4.4
C3100 running OpenZaurus


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Zubuntu 1.0 Rc1
« Reply #73 on: January 01, 2009, 06:33:52 pm »
Wildherb, I got my Ambicom WL1100C card working by installing wifi-radar from the repository.
Look at this thread, it's kind of messy, but it works for me with hostap. I blacklisted orinoco
C3100 Multiboot-->Angstrom 2007.12-r18 | Cacko 1.23 | ArchLinuxARM
C3200 pdaxii13v2-5.5-alpha4 Akita on NAND

Ambicom WL1100C-CF Wifi - Ambicom CF modem - Ambicom CF GPS - Belkin-F5D5050 USB LAN
Socket CF Bluetooth rev K - Iogear 4 port USB micro hub - pocket CF card reader
Targus mini USB optical mouse - 2 Targus SD card readers


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Zubuntu 1.0 Rc1
« Reply #74 on: January 01, 2009, 07:26:43 pm »
Quote from: Jon_J
Wildherb, I got my Ambicom WL1100C card working by installing wifi-radar from the repository.
Look at this thread, it's kind of messy, but it works for me with hostap. I blacklisted orinoco

Jon_J, thanks, I did see your post about wifi-radar and I then went googling for the ubuntu arm repository - but with no luck. Would you be so kind as to share the link with me?
C3000 running OpenBSD 4.4
C3100 running OpenZaurus